Command line for building type packages for func_adl
Use this command to build python packages with type information for
- ATLAS PHYS/PHYSLITE R21, R22, and R24.
To get help:
(.venv) PS C:\Users\gordo\Code\iris-hep\atlas_types\func_adl_type_commands> atlas_build_type_info --help
usage: test_atlas_release_types [-h] [-v | --verbose | --no-verbose] {build,test} ...
Build and test atlas release types
positional arguments:
{build,test} sub-command help
build Build type library for a release
test Run tests for a release
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose, --no-verbose
This takes a while
(.venv) PS C:\Users\gordo\Code\iris-hep\atlas_types\func_adl_type_commands>
- Check out this package in an empty folder - other directories will be created in this folder (like the packages themselves). For purposes of this discussion the directory is called
. - Once checked out, create a
, and usepip install .
at the root of this package. Thisvenv
will be only for running commands in this package. - If you want to run the tests, you need the test files:
- Use cernbox to download the files into a
directory in theatlas_types
directory. - Some of these files are un-necessarily large.
- Use cernbox to download the files into a
After everything is setup above, you can run this. There are two ways. First, to build the packages for use:
python .\ build 24.2.4
This will build the package and leave it in a directory atlas_types/...
Also, can do some simple testing to make sure that everything is working properly!
python .\ test --test jets_uncalib 24.2.3 --test_dir ..\testing_dir\