
Primary LanguageJavaScript


I have an old project that uses СloudFormation.

All code is in the /src folder, layers in the /layers, package.json in the root directory

I want to break this big project into logical modules and do each of them through SAM.

Inside the /src folder, I made a /src/services folder and I plan to create new modules (conversion, posts, users ...) in it and use SAM + esbuild for the build.

I also want to use the existing code from the /src folder in new services.

Build without --manifest parameter

sam build --base-dir ./src -t ./src/new-sam-services/conversations/template.yaml --debug

I receive an error FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Users/wildix/Other/sam-bug/src/package.json'

Build with --manifest parameter

sam build --base-dir ./src -t ./src/new-sam-services/conversations/template.yaml --manifest package.json --debug

I receive an error:

CustomMakeBuilder:CopySource succeeded                                                                                                                                     
Running CustomMakeBuilder:MakeBuild                                                                                                                                        
Current Artifacts Directory : /Users/test/sam-bug/.aws-sam/build/LambdaLayer                                                                                       
executing Make: ['make', '--makefile', '/Users/test/sam-bug/package.json', 'build-LambdaLayer']                                                                    
CustomMakeBuilder:MakeBuild failed                                                                                                                                         

If remove Resources -> LambdaLayer in the template /src/new-sam-services/conversations/template.yaml build will be success.