
Scripts and helpers for developing Gorgonia

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Scripts and helpers for developing Gorgonia

This repository contains tools to help developers who want to contribute to the Gorgonia family of libraries.


Gorgonia libraries support Go Modules out of the box. However, the development of Gorgonia is quite reliant on GOPATH. This is due to the nature of the libraries (i.e. gorgonia.org/gorgonia is a "symbolic" version of gorgonia.org/tensor), often developers working on a problem would need to co-develop for multiple libraries at the same time.

There currently isn't a good solution for doing this with Go Modules yet. However, the old GOPATH method works well, so a large majority of the scripts (including those go:generate scripts found in all the libraries) rely on GOPATH.

Users of the Gorgonia library shouldn't worry about GOPATH - Gorgonia fully supports modules and plays well with GOPROXY

Go Modules localdev

A helper bash script is available to allow development with Go Modules. Use it as such:

./localdev.sh -a true -l PATH/TO/LOCAL/DIRECTORIES

There are a few assumptions. First, that all your local gorgonia development work will be under one directory (usually a src directory).

So, here's the directory structure that this script works with:

├── src
|   ├── gorgonia.org
|   |   ├── gorgonia
|   |   ├── tensor
|   |   └── cu

Your PATH/TO/LOCAL/DIRECTORIES should be to the src directory. Then the script takes care of everything else.

This script does not work if you have your libraries checked out to different paths, for example as follows:

├── gorgonia
├── Other Location
|   ├── tensor
├── Other Location 2
|   ├── Other Location 3
|   |   └── cu

But that's a totally psychopathic way of doing things. You ... wouldn't do it like that right? Right?

localdev Options and Arguments

  • -a is the parameter that indicates that you are working on all the known Gorgonia libraries.
  • -l is the parameter that indicates the path to your local checked out files.