
My .clojure/deps.edn file

Primary LanguageClojure


This is my personal .clojure/deps.edn file providing useful clj aliases drawn from a variety of projects. It is published to GitHub so I can keep all my computers sync'd up -- and to provide a range of examples that folks new to the Clojure CLI might find helpful.

The main alias I use here is :dev/repl which starts various combinations of REPL tooling. See The :dev/repl Alias below for more details.

Since it is my personal file, it may make assumptions about my own environment. For example, it uses "RELEASE" for several tools so I can always get the latest stable version of any dev/test tool I use. I make no effort at backward-compatibility and may add, delete, or change aliases as they benefit me personally. Caveat Programmer!

If you want a really well-documented, well-maintained alternative that actually tracks versions of tools, I would recommend you use the Practicalli Clojure deps.edn project instead!

Basic Aliases

With that caveat out of the way, here is some basic documentation about my aliases (there are additional examples in the comments in the deps.edn file itself):

An alias to pull in my template creation tool:

  • :new -- pulls in and runs the latest stable release of clj-new to create new projects from (Leiningen and other) templates

Aliases to build jar & uberjar files:

  • :uberjar -- pulls in and runs the latest stable release of depstar to create an uberjar; clojure -X:uberjar :jar MyProject.jar :main-class project.core; java -jar MyProject.jar
  • :jar -- pulls in and runs the latest stable release of depstar to create a "thin" JAR; clojure -X:jar :jar MyProject.jar; along with a pom.xml, this can be deployed to Clojars etc (via clojure -M:deploy ... -- see below)

And install or deploy jar files:

  • :install -- pulls in and runs the latest stable release of Erik Assum's deps-deploy and installs the specified JAR file locally, based on your pom.xml; clojure -X:install :artifact '"MyProject.jar"'
  • :deploy -- pulls in and runs the latest stable release of Erik Assum's deps-deploy and deploys the specified JAR file to Clojars, based on your pom.xml and the CLOJARS_USERNAME and CLOJARS_PASSWORD environment variables; clojure -X:deploy :artifact '"MyProject.jar"'

There are aliases to pull in various useful testing and debugging tools:

  • :test -- adds both test and src/test/clojure to your classpath and pulls in the latest stable version of test.check
  • :runner -- pulls in Cognitect Labs' test-runner project and runs any tests it can find
  • :readme -- pulls in the latest stable release of seancorfield/readme and runs it on your README.md file to treat your examples as tests
  • :eastwood -- pulls in the latest stable release of Eastwood on your src and test folders; use with :test above
  • :check -- pulls in Athos' Check project to compile all your namespaces to check for syntax errors and reflection warnings like lein check
  • :expect -- pulls in the latest stable releases of Expectations and expectations/clojure-test -- the latter is the clojure.test-compatible version of the former
  • :bench -- pulls in the latest stable release of Criterium for benchmarking your code
  • :decompile -- pulls in the latest stable release of Clojure Goes Fast's decompiler; requires JDK 8 (not later)
  • :measure -- pulls in the latest stable release of Memory Meter
  • :outdated -- pulls in and runs the latest stable release of antq and reports on outdated dependencies

There are aliases to pull in and start various REPL-related tools:

  • :dev/repl -- depending on what is on your classpath, start Cognitect's REBL or Reveal or Rebel Readline (or a plain Clojure REPL), with a Socket REPL (on "port 0" which will dynamically select an available port and print it out), but SOCKET_REPL_PORT env var overrides, saves port to .socket-repl-port file for next time); if Reveal is started, adds an auto-table view for tap>'d values; usage: clj -M:rebl:dev/repl or clj -M:reveal:dev/repl or clojure -M:rebel:dev/repl or clojure -M:rebel:reveal:dev/repl (for both of them together). Also works with Figwheel Main (now that I've started doing ClojureScript!): clojure -M:reveal:fig:build:dev/repl

  • :nrepl -- pulls in the latest stable release of nREPL and starts an nREPL server on a random available port

  • :socket -- starts a Socket REPL on port 50505; can be combined with other aliases since this is just a JVM option

  • :socket-rebl -- starts a Socket REPL on port 50123; assumes you have Cognitect's REBL on your classpath (see :rebl below); everything sent to this Socket REPL will also be submitted to the REBL

  • :socket-zero -- starts a Socket REPL on an available and displays the selected port number (using a -e option); if you want to start a REPL as well, you will need to specify the -r option: clj -M:socket-zero -r

  • :prepl -- starts a Socket pREPL on port 40404; can be combined with other aliases since this is just a JVM option; requires a recent Clojure 1.10 build!

  • :rebel -- starts a Rebel Readline REPL

  • :rebl -- starts Cognitect's REBL (assumes latest Cognitect dev-tools installed)

  • :reflect -- adds Stuart Halloway's reflector utility (best used with REBL)

  • :reveal -- pulls in the latest stable release of the Reveal data visualization tool -- see the Reveal web site for usage options

  • :portal -- pulls in the latest stable release of the Portal data visualization tool -- see the Portal web site for usage options

  • :comp -- adds the latest stable release of compliment; useful with a Socket REPL for Unravel or Chlorine for Atom

There are aliases to pull in specific versions of Clojure:

  • :master -- Clojure 1.11.0-master-SNAPSHOT
  • :1.11 -- Clojure 1.11.0-alpha1 with the new named argument calling feature!
  • :1.10 -- Clojure 1.10.3
    • :1.10.2 -- Clojure 1.10.2
    • :1.10.1 -- Clojure 1.10.1
    • :1.10.0 -- Clojure 1.10.0
  • :1.9 -- Clojure 1.9.0
  • :1.8 -- Clojure 1.8.0
  • ... back to :1.0 (note: :1.5 is actually Clojure 1.5.1 to avoid a bug in Clojure 1.5.0, and :1.2 is 1.2.1)

For the EXPERIMENTAL add-libs function (clojure.tools.deps.alpha.repl/add-libs):

  • :add-libs -- pulls in the add-lib3 branch of org.clojure/tools.deps.alpha; see the example load-master function in the comments in my deps.edn; this was previously called :deps but I realized that conflicted with the default :deps alias in the Clojure CLI install; be aware that add-libs is unsupported and likely to break or go away as tools.deps.alpha and Clojure both evolve. [recently renamed from :add-lib to :add-libs to reflect the name change in the add-lib3 branch!]

For tools.deps.graph:

  • :graph -- pulls in a recent version of tools.deps.graph to help you visualize dependency graphs

For Spec 2 (unstable, buggy -- not ready for production use):

An alias for the Polylith tool (currently tracking the issue-66 branch which is adapting to recent changes in the Clojure CLI and tools.deps.alpha):

  • :poly -- pulls in and runs the Polylith command-line tool

An alias for the Liquid Clojure editor:

  • :liquid -- pulls in and runs the latest stable release of Liquid

For shell-related stuff:

  • :closh -- pulls in and runs (from source) version 0.5.0 of the JVM version of closh which gives you a Clojure-enabled terminal shell (it's wonderful!)

And finally, a gnarly little macro, inspired by Ruby's -pne command line option that lets you process lines of standard input:

  • :pne -- cat file-of-numbers.txt | clojure -M:pne -e '($ (-> $_ Long/parseLong inc))'; $ reads stdin and evaluates the expression repeatedly with $_ bound to each line, printing the results to stdout.

Note: if you're using closh, you can do the same thing as :pne directly in the shell: cat file-of-numbers.txt |> (run! #(-> % Long/parseLong inc println))

The :dev/repl Alias

The :dev/repl alias uses load-file to load the dev.clj file from this repo. That does a number of things (see the start-repl docstring for more details):

  • Starts a Socket REPL server (with the port selected via an environment variable, a JVM property, or a dot-file created on a previous run).
  • Starts Cognitect's REBL, if present on the classpath, else
  • Starts Figwheel Main, if present on the classpath, else
  • Starts Reveal, if present on the classpath, else
  • Starts Rebel Readline, if present on the classpath.

If both Reveal and Figwheel Main are present on the classpath, it starts both of them, using Figwheel for the primary (cljs) REPL, with everything input there affecting your running (cljs) app. In addition, everything tap>'d from your editor will be displayed inside Reveal (assuming you have .cljc files and evaluate that code as Clojure, not ClojureScript). See note about Figwheel usage below.

If both Reveal and Rebel Readline are present on the classpath, it starts both of them, using Rebel Readline for the primary REPL, with everything input there appearing in Reveal. In addition, everything tap>'d will be displayed inside Reveal.

If the dev.clj starts Reveal, it also tap>'s a Reveal view into it, which you can activate by right-clicking and selecting the view option (instead of right-click, you can press space when the name of the view -- right-click > view -- is highlighted).

This view provides a number of features that apply automatically to anything that is tap>'d -- the view automatically updates each time a new value is submitted.

If a Var is submitted, the view deref's it so that the associated value is displayed (along with the metadata from the Var itself). If a function or namespace value is submitted, the docstring is displayed, if available.

The view shows two panels:

  • Metadata as a hash map. This also contains :_class with the class of the value submitted. If a Var was submitted, and its value has metadata, that will be present as :_meta.
  • The underlying value itself, displayed as follows:
    • Strings are displayed in their "raw" form so they are laid out as they would print (without " and with \n as actual newlines etc),
    • java.net.URL's are rendered inline as web pages, so you can browse documentation easily, for example. If you are using this with either my Atom/Chlorine setup or my VS Code/Clover setup, the ctrl-; j key will show the Javadoc page for the type of an expression if it is part of the Java standard library, and the ctrl-; ? key will show the ClojureDocs page for any symbol that is part of Clojure's core libraries.
    • Things that are not seqable? are displayed as a table with one row containing that value in the first column and its string representation in the second column.
    • Anything else is assumed to be some sort of sequence or collection, and is displayed in a table, with a row for each value in the collection:
      • A hash map is treated as a collection of MapEntry's which are displayed with a column for the key and a column for the value (and thus one row for each key/value pair of the hash map).
      • A collection of maps is displayed with a column for each key (based on the first map in the sequence, like clojure.pprint/print-table).
      • A collection of indexed values is displayed with each row showing one of those values with up to 1,024 columns for the indexed elements (based on the number of elements in the first value in the sequence: an arbitrary, large limit to avoid problems with infinite sequences). The column headings are the indices of those elements.

Use with Figwheel

If you are doing ClojureScript development with Figwheel (figwheel-main) then you can do:

clojure -M:reveal:fig:build:dev/repl

You'll get the regular Figwheel build REPL (for ClojureScript, which uses Rebel Readline) and a browser open on your application, plus a Socket REPL on an available port (or whatever your env says, for Clojure evaluation).

Connect to the Socket REPL, write your code as .cljc files, and you'll have the full power of your editor, Reveal, and Figwheel! What you evaluate in your editor will be treated as Clojure code (and can be tap>'d into Reveal, for example). What you evaluate at the REPL itself will be treated as ClojureScript code (and will affect your application instead).