
Convert sjPlot::tab_model() html tables to tex and pdf

Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION

Convert sjPlot::tab_model() html tables to tex and pdf with html2pdf() and use them in Rmarkdown documents with tex2Rmd().


html2latex is currently only available on Github.

# remotes::install_github("gorkang/html2latex")


Fully tested on Linux. Partially tested on Mac and Windows.

  1. You need a working Libreoffice installation to convert html to odt
  2. We include Writer2latex
    in this package for the odt to tex step
  3. You will need a working Java installation
  4. You will also need a TeX compiler if you want to use the integrated pdf compilation (you can try installing tinytex and tinytex::install_tinytex())

html2pdf() function uses a Writer2latex script which is sourced from the extdata folder.


If something does not work, make sure to have all the requirements above. You can use silent = FALSE in html2pdf() to see in which step things are failing. If nothing works, do send an issue including a reproducible example.

There should be no spaces in the path to your table, or in the table file name.


Create a sjPlot::tab_model() and save it as html.

  # This is a terrible model
  model = lmer(mpg ~ cyl * disp + (1|vs), mtcars)
  # We save the sjPlot table to an .html file
    show.r2 = TRUE,
    show.icc = FALSE,
    show.re.var = FALSE,
    p.style = "scientific",
    emph.p = TRUE,
    file = "temp.html")

Using the html2pdf() we can transform the html output of sjPlot::tab_model() to .tex. We can also compile to pdf in one step with the parameter build_pdf = TRUE.

# Create tex and pdf

html2pdf(filename = "temp.html", 
  table_width = 13, 
   silent = FALSE, 
   style = TRUE, 
   build_pdf = TRUE, 
   clean = TRUE,
   name_table = "table1")

#> pdf file created in: /.../html2latex/temp.pdf
#> tex file created in: /.../html2latex/temp.tex


You can include sjPlot::tab_model() html tables in a Rmarkdown document that outputs as pdf in three steps:

1. YAML header

The YAML heather of the .Rmd document must include this:

- \usepackage{array}
- \usepackage{longtable}
- \newcommand\textstyleStrongEmphasis[1]{\textbf{#1}}
- \makeatletter
- \newcommand\arraybslash{\let\\\@arraycr}

2. Extract the table bit from the tex file

The tex2Rmd() function creates a .txt file getting rid of the parts of the .tex code that cause conflicts when rendering the Rmd document.

# Create table.txt to be able to use it in Rmd documents

#> File with table code created in: table.txt

The tex file created with html2pdf can be rendered as a pdf by opening the tex file in RStudio and using the Compile PDF button. But if you want to use the table specific code inside a Rmd file (from \begin{longtable} to \end{longtable}), we need to extract it first. This is automatically done by the ´tex2Rmd()´ function.

3. Use this code in the Rmd document.

Finally, you need to insert the latex code below outside of a chunk in your Rmd file.

  \renewcommand\normalsize{\small}% Specify your font modification

To see the result, please check the example.pdf in the github repository (will not be installed alongside the package)

(You might need to then call pdflatex in a terminal separately, if compiling via RStudio fails)

Manually input latex code

Alternatively, you can manually insert the contents of table.txt in a chunk staring with ```{=latex}

See: https://bookdown.org/yihui/rmarkdown-cookbook/raw-latex.html