
Gorka's dotfiles for any unix like OS

Primary LanguageShell


These are my dotfiles. Dotfiles are little settings files used by many applications on UNIX-based systems like Linux, BSD and OS X. They are called dotfiles because their name starts by dot, which makes them hidden by default to tools such as ls, Nautilus or Finder.

A clever strategy for managing dotfiles is to move them to a central folder and then use symlinks to link the files where they should go. That way, your system applications see the config files where they expect to but you can manage all your settings at once in a separate folder.

This is where Git becomes useful, because you can track the changes you do to your dotfiles: rollback if a particular change is harming, or test new changes in a branch keeping your main settings stable.

Pushing my dotfiles to GitHub makes it easy to keep an online backup. In case I format my PC or want to install these files into a new computer, I just have to clone my repository and set up. Another reason is for sharing the files with anybody so that other people can take whatever they consider useful.


Clone this repository in a location such as ~/.dotfiles. Then, enter the just cloned repository and start stowing the packages that you want or you can stow all of the packages with stowall.

git clone https://github.com/gorkarevilla/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
stow zsh
stow openbox
stow tmux

Note that stow zsh works because there is a directory named zsh at ~/.dotfiles and because the parent directory for ~/.dotfiles/ is $HOME. If you are cloning this repository into a different location you will need to change the target directory or you will get these dotfiles linked at wrong locations.

You also need a nerd font for the zsh. For example this one: Meslo LG M Nerd Font


Most of the packages have the name of the application they are used by, such as atom, bash or zsh and they don't need further explanation. However, there are a few special packages:

  • osx: special settings for MacOS X.
  • powershell: special settings for Windows (PowerShell).
  • ubuntu: special settings for Ubuntu based systems.
  • windows: special settings for Windows (Cygwin / MSYS-NT).


Please note that the settings provided by this repository are highly opinionated and designed to fit my needs. I don't recommend nobody to stick with my settings. My suggestion on the use of this repository is to take it as a framework for setting your own dotfiles.

The contents of this repository are provided AS IS with no warranties. I'm not responsible if you break your computer, lose your local settings or do anything wrong because of running the wrong script or executing the wrong command.