
Mobile application for notes with the ability to sync with git repository


Mobile application for notes with the ability to sync with the git repository


I've been using the MI Notes application for a long time, and I ran into a problem:

  • there is no easy way to export all notes wherever you want.

I'm passionate about development, I have a lot of experience with React, and I want to try React Native on some pet projects that might be interesting and useful to me.

I would like to be able to easily write notes and sync them with my GitHub repositories.

And also vice versa. I would like to read other people's MD files from other repositories.

I think this is an interesting case.

Main Goal

The main goal is UX. It is not at all necessary to create a full-fledged Markdown editor. The main thing is ease of use on the phone. As an example, I would take the original MI Notes.
