
iTrack COVID: a data science driven tool for searching and identifying high-risk regions in your community and around the globe.

BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

GC colleagues, please go to https://gccode.ssc-spc.gc.ca/r4gc/codes/tracking-covid-data, where these codes are updated, also join our User R! GCcollab group, where we discuss them.

Pages in suport of iTrack COVID Web App.

"This App provides LIVE updates on the situation with COVID-19 in Canada and other countries at the municipal level. The unique feature of the App is a fully automated data science driven approach for searching and identifying high-risk regions in the country. In addition, to searching by Total and New Cases, you can also search by Acceleration, which is change in new cases a day, and Growth Rate, also known as Reproduction Rate or Rt."

App short-cuts:


See also: