String Theory


Let's use string building!


This is your typical test-run assignment. jest --watch-all is your friend!


  • Other than .toUpperCase and .toLowerCase, don't use any string methods. Sure, .slice would be nice here, or .repeat. But you'll learn just a ton more if you use actual loops!


  • xify - returns the same string, but with every character replaced by an 'x'
    • Examples:
      • xify('hello') -> 'xxxxx'
      • xify('hi there') -> 'xxxxxxxx'
  • yellingChars - returns the given string with an exclamation point after each character
    • Examples:
      • yellingChars('goodness') -> 'g!o!o!d!n!e!s!s!'
      • yellingChars('oh hello') -> 'o!h! !h!e!l!l!o!'
    • Hints:
      • We can add more than one thing to the string each time through the loop. In this case, it's the current character AND an exlamation point.
  • indexedChars - adds the index of each character before that character in the given string
    • Examples:
      • indexedChars('hello') -> '0h1e2l3l4o'
      • indexedChars('bye') -> '0b1y2e'
    • Hints:
      • We can add something BEFORE the current character as well!
  • numberedChars - adds the number of each character before that character in the given string
    • Examples:
      • numberedChars('hello') -> '(1)h(2)e(3)l(4)l(5)o'
      • numberedChars('bye') -> '(1)b(2)y(3)e'
    • Hints:
      • there's a simple relationship between the index and the number... indices are 0-based counting and numbers are 1-based... you'll figure it out!
  • exclaim - returns the given sentence with every question mark or period changed to an exclamation point
    • Examples:
      • exclaim('What are you doing? Are you a fool?') -> 'What are you doing! Are you a fool!'
      • exclaim('This is fine.') -> 'This is fine!'
  • repeatIt - returns the given string repeated n times, where n is the second parameter
    • Examples:
      • repeatIt('beetlejuice', 3) -> 'beetlejuicebeetlejuicebeetlejuice'
      • repeatIt('oh hi!', 8) -> 'oh hi!oh hi!oh hi!oh hi!oh hi!oh hi!oh hi!oh hi!'
  • truncate - shortens a long string to 15 characters plus an ellipsis (...)
    • Examples:
      • truncate('The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.') -> 'The fault, dear...'
      • truncate("Well, that's just, like, your opinion man.") -> "Well, that's ju..."
  • ciEmailify - creates an email from a two-part name
  • reverse - reverses the given string
    • Examples:
      • reverse('colin') -> 'niloc'
      • reverse('mesuara') -> 'arausem'
  • onlyVowels - returns only the vowels from a word
    • Examples:
      • onlyVowels('Colin Jaffe') -> 'oiae'
      • onlyVowels('quickly') -> 'ui'
      • onlyVowels('Anthony DeRosa') -> 'Aoeoa'
  • crazyCase - returns the given string with alternating lower and upper cases
    • Examples:
      • crazyCase('hello') -> 'hElLo'
      • crazyCase('multiple words here') -> 'mUlTiPlE WoRdS HeRe'
      • crazyCase('YELLING') -> 'yElLiNg'
  • titleCase - returns a transformed version of the given string where every word starts with a capital letter and every non-word-starting letter is lowercased
    • Examples:
      • titleCase('return of the king') -> 'Return Of The King'
      • titleCase('cOde iMMerSives') -> 'Code Immersives'
  • camelCase - returns the given string in camel case
    • Examples:
      • camelCase('oh Hello') -> 'ohHello'
      • camelCase('well yeah of course') -> 'wellYeahOfCourse'
      • camelCase('Boy howdy') -> 'boyHowdy'
  • crazyCase2ReturnOfCrazyCase - same as crazyCase, but does NOT count spaces as letters to upper or lower case (see examples below!)
    • Examples:
      • crazyCase2ReturnOfCrazyCase('multiple words here') -> 'mUlTiPlE wOrDs HeRe'
      • crazyCase2ReturnOfCrazyCase('crazy stuff') -> 'cRaZy StUfF'