
Learn Docker

Primary LanguageShell

Learn Docker

"Learn Docker" is is a step by step hands-on guide which gives some practical Docker-related examples


The repository gives a number of folders which proides all files required for a Lab. The lab are structured as follows:

Lab Description
Lab 0 Creating lab environment (please see below in this document)
Lab 1 Docker installation
Lab 2 Docker basic configuration
Lab 3 Getting help
Lab 4 Manaing images
Lab 5 Managing containers
Lab 6 Using environment variables
Lab 7 Using persistent storage
Lab 8 Starting multicontainer applications
Lab 9 Starting private registry
Lab 10 Creating new images by docker commit
Lab 11 Creating a simple Dockerfile
Lab 12 Importing and exporting images
Lab 13 Advanced Dockerfile
Lab 14 Containerizing Jboss EAP

Creating lab environment

Most of the labs can be run on any Linux based VMs. However all labs are created and tested on CentOS 7 only.

Virtual Machine

The repsitory includes a Vagrantfile which deploys a VM with the following configuration option:

Option Value
RAM 4096M
vCPU 2
Hostname node1.
Box centos/7

Additional configuration

The VM is customized as follows:

  • docker and git packages are installed
  • docker Linux groups is created
  • the vagrant user is a member of the docker Linux group (this allows to use Docker client under unprivileges user)

Host machine requrements

The host machine can be configured on the following OS:

  • MacOS
  • Windows
  • Fedora Linux
  • CentOS 7

The following software is required:

  • VirtualBox(Windows and MacOS)
  • libvirt(Linux only)
  • Vagrant
  • git
  • vim

Starting lab environment

The lab environment can be provisioned using Vagrant as follows:

git clone https://github.com/li9com/learn-docker.git
cd learn-docker
vagrant up

Connecting to Lab VM

Once VM is provisioned, you may connect to VM using SSH as follows:

vagrant ssh

Note! You will be connected as the "vagrant" user which is allowed to use sudo to run commands under the root account:

sudo yum install -y epel-release


Artemii Kropachev