
Simple command line database client

Primary LanguageJava


Simple command line database client


  1. Clone repository
  2. Run mvn install


Prepare database configuration file. It can contain multiple database configurations:

    "name": "company database",
    "driverClassName": "org.postgresql.Driver",
    "url": "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/company",
    "username": "postgres",
    "password": "admin"


  • You can run dbClient from target folder using:

    java -jar dbClient-jar-with-dependencies.jar -c config.json -n "company database" -s "select * from employee"


[{"id":1,"employee_name":"John Smith","salary":5000.0},{"id":2,"employee_name":"Mambo Jumbo","salary":9000.0}]
  • To prettify output add option -p

    java -jar dbClient-jar-with-dependencies.jar -c config.json -n "company database" -s "select * from employee" -p

[ {
  "id" : 1,
  "employee_name" : "John Smith",
  "salary" : 5000.0
}, {
  "id" : 2,
  "employee_name" : "Mambo Jumbo",
  "salary" : 9000.0
} ]


 -c *       Database configurations JSON file path
 -n *       Database configuration name
 -s *       Sql query
 -p         Prettify output

DbClient usage

You can run DbClient programmatically

//define configuration file and configuration name
File configFile = new File("config.json");
String configName = "company database";

//create DbClient
DbConfig dbConfig = new DbConfigFinder(configFile).find(configName);
DbClient dbClient = new DbClient(dbConfig);

//execute SQL query
String sql = "select * from employee";
List<Map<String, Object>> employees = dbClient.query(sql).asList();
//where the map key is the column name

String employees = dbClient.query(sql).asString();


int count = dbClient.query(sql).count();
String result = dbClient.query(sql).asString();
List<Map<String, Object>> records = dbClient.query(sql).asList();
List<Employee> employees = dbClient.query(sql).asList(Employee.class);


You can also map records to List of desirable object.

String sql = "select * from employee";
List<Employee> employees = dbClient.query(sql).asList(Employee.class);

Simple mapping

Prepare Employee class with @Data annotation and add fields with names corresponding to column names

import lombok.Data;

public class Employee {

    private Long id;
    private String firstname;
    private String lastname;
    private BigDecimal salary;

Custom column mapping

If you want to have a different name for your field add @Column("column_name") annotation

public class Employee {

    private Long id;
    private String name;
    private String surname;
    private BigDecimal salary;

Custom object mapping

You can also implement your own mapping using RecordMapper class and @Mapper(Class<? extends RecordMapper>) annotation Create EmployeeMapper class:

import pl.pg.dbclient.mapper.RecordMapper;

public class EmployeeMapper extends RecordMapper<Employee> {

    public Employee mapRow(ResultSet resultSet, int i) throws SQLException {
        Employee employee = new Employee();
        return employee;

Then add created mapper to Employee class. Simple mapping and Column mapping will be ignored.

public class Employee {


public class EmployeeTest {

    private static DbClient dbClient;

    static void prepareConnection() {
        String configPath = "company_dbConfig.json";
        String configName = "company database";
        File configFile = new File(configPath);
        DbConfig dbConfig = new DbConfigFinder(configFile).find(configName);
        dbClient = new DbClient(dbConfig);

    void shouldMapRecordsToGivenClass() {
        String sql = "select * from employee";

        List<Employee> employees = dbClient.query(sql).asList(Employee.class);

        Employee jack = employees.stream()
                .filter(employee -> employee.getName().equals("Jack")).findFirst().get();
        assertEquals(jack.getSurname(), "Nicholson");
        assertEquals(jack.getSalary(), new BigDecimal("5000.00"));

        Employee rob = employees.stream()
                .filter(employee -> employee.getName().equals("Rob")).findFirst().get();
        assertEquals(rob.getSurname(), "Smith");
        assertEquals(rob.getSalary(), new BigDecimal("8000.00"));

    static void closeConnection() {