Work in progress - p/o the radar-ml project
service SemanticSegmentation {
// A simple RPC.
rpc GetSegmentedObjects(Empty) returns (SegmentedObjectData) {}
rpc GetCameraResolution(Empty) returns (CameraResolution) {}
message SegmentedObject {
// Most likely semantic segment label.
string label = 1;
// Score of label.
// This can be used as a measure of confidence.
float score = 2;
// Relative area of segment. Max = 1.
float area = 3;
// Relative segment centroid coords.
// (0,0) is top left of image containing the segment.
// (1,0) is top right "".
// (0,1) is bottom left "".
// (1,1) is bottom right "".
message Centroid {
float cx = 1;
float cy = 2;
Centroid centroid = 4;
message SegmentedObjectData {
// Recognized and segmented object data.
repeated SegmentedObject data = 1;
message CameraResolution {
int32 width = 1;
int32 height = 2;
message Empty {
// Placeholder.