
Multi Tenant Dotnet App (SaaS)

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Multi Tenant Dotnet App (SaaS)


This is a multi-tenant application prototype, one application (SaaS) with multiple databases, each tenant has his own database with the same schema, the use of single-tenant databases gives strong tenant isolation.

If you need differen schemas in each single-tenant database this project is easy to change using multiples DbContext pattern but you need to do that changes.

The framework and libraries behind are ASP .Net MVC 5 with .Net Framework 6.2, Entity Framework 6.2 and SimpleInjector with the idea to be hosted on Azure using Azure SQL Elastic Database and Shard Map Management. If you want to use .Net Core instead .Net Framework is not hard to do the migration I think.

Database per tenant SaaS pattern

This pattern is effective for service providers that are concerned with tenant isolation and want to run a centralized service (SaaS) that allows cost-efficient use of shared resources. A database is created for each tenant automatic using a template database that you need to setup on your AppSetting. If you need to handle differet schemas you can do it using multiples DbContext pattern. Also they are hosted in Azure Elastic Pools to provide cost-efficient and easy performance management. A catalog database holds the mapping between tenants and their databases. This mapping is managed using the shard map management features of the Elastic Database Client Library, which also provides efficient connection management to the application.

Database per Tenant to check another example of this kind of application click here

Get started

The first that you need to do is create an account on Azure, add a subscription and all the resources that you need to run this mult-tenant application and finaly setup your Web.config for you development enviroment.

    <!-- Database Server name where we have the template database, the catalog database and the Tenants databases Ex. myserversql, taken from myserversql.database.windows.net -->
    <add key="DatabaseConfigServerName" value="myserversql" />
    <!-- Database Server port Ex.  1433 -->
    <add key="DatabaseConfigServerPort" value="1433" />
    <!-- Database username Ex. myserversql -->
    <add key="DatabaseConfigUser" value="myserversql" />
    <!-- Database password Ex. myserversql -->
    <add key="DatabaseConfigPassword" value="myserversql" />
    <!-- Database timeout Ex. 100 -->
    <add key="DatabaseConfigConnectionTimeOut" value="100" />
    <!-- The template database to use as referent for the new database Tenant Ex. dev-template -->
    <add key="TenantConfigTemplateDatabase" value="dev-multtenant-template" />    
    <!-- The catalag database name Ex. dev-multtenant-catalog -->
    <add key="CatalogConfigDatabase" value="dev-multtenant-catalog" />
    <!-- The wildcard domain where we are going to listen all the request Ex. myapplicationmulttenant.com:58670 on development, on production we dont need the port -->
    <add key="ApplicationConfigDomain" value="myapplicationmulttenant.com:58670" />
    <!-- To know about how get clientId check https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/resource-group-create-service-principal-portal -->
    <add key="ApplicationConfigClientId" value="5685ba91-354c-41c2-82f5-03fb156cc8aa" />
    <!-- To know about how get clientSecret check https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/resource-group-create-service-principal-portal -->
    <add key="ApplicationConfigClientSecret" value="+gtflyb+UPPGBaQSwumJMUsSQWQufClaF3yeDb0tjZo=" />
    <!-- To know about how get tenantId check https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/resource-group-create-service-principal-portal -->
    <add key="ApplicationConfigTenantId" value="9609f5f7-6689-4d85-8fcc-925362a06575" />
    <!-- Subscription Id -->
    <add key="ApplicationConfigSubscription" value="44439e2c-0dca-4cec-aaaf-011a850aacb2" />
    <!-- Resource group name -->
    <add key="ApplicationConfigResourceGroupName" value="EastUS" />
  • ConnectionString
   <add name="CatalogDb" connectionString="data source=myserversql.database.windows.net,1433;initial catalog=dev-multtenant-catalog;persist security info=True;user id=myserversql;password=myserversql;multipleactiveresultsets=True;application name=EntityFramework" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
   <!--We only need to uncomment this connectionstring when we want to add-migration on the tenant side -->
   <!--add name="TenantDb" connectionString="data source=myserversql.database.windows.net,1433;initial catalog=dev-{mydb};persist security info=True;user id=myserversql;password=myserversql;multipleactiveresultsets=True;application name=EntityFramework" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /-->

Resources on Azure

  • Subscription
  • Azure SQL Elastic Pool
  • Service Plan
  • Service Application
  • WildCard Domain

Why WildCard Domain

Because we need to identify which tenant you want to hit using a subdomain Ex.

  • tenant1.myapplicationmulttenant.com (we want to hit tenant1 database)
  • tenant2.myapplicationmulttenant.com (we want to hit tenant2 database)

And remember here we are creating new tenants on the fly.

public class DomainHelper
      public static string GetTenantName()
          string[] subDomains = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host.ToLower().Split('.');
          var tenantName = subDomains[0];

          return tenantName;

Development Enviroment

To run this project locally and test different tenants in your local machine you need to edit your host file on C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and add for example       enant1.myapplicationmulttenant-test.com       enant2.myapplicationmulttenant-test.com

and then if you run the application and put on the browser enant1.myapplicationmulttenant-test.com:58670 the application get the request instead send the request to internet.

Notes that by default you application is listening for localhost not for to change that you need to edit .vs\config\applicationhost.config and change

 <site name="MultiTenantNet.Web" id="2">
              <application path="/" applicationPool="Clr4IntegratedAppPool">
                  <virtualDirectory path="/" physicalPath="C:\MultiTenantNet\MultiTenantNet.Web" />
                  <binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:58670:localhost" />


 <site name="MultiTenantNet.Web" id="2">
              <application path="/" applicationPool="Clr4IntegratedAppPool">
                  <virtualDirectory path="/" physicalPath="C:\MultiTenantNet\MultiTenantNet.Web" />
                  <binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:58670:" />

Lets talk about the code
