
Image scrapper made using python programming language. It requires list of image searches in a dataIn.xlsx file and then it scarpes the top three google searches for each item in list.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


1.Two files are necessary :- -dataIn.xlsx (save the file as same name written here(dataIn)[it is case sensitive]). -imageDownloader.exe.

2.Save those above two files including imageDownloader.exe(provided) and dataIn.xlsx(provided and if not created then create on with same name mentioned here) in the same folder.

3.Now save the data in dataIn.xlsx file without any header, start item name from A1 cell(strictly).

4.After save all the files and content of dataIn.xlsx file just run the imageDownloader.exe, and thats it.. one folder and one url.xlsx file will be created in the same folder as of dataIn.xlsx and imageDownloader.exe.file.

5.Folder name with "images" will be created which will include different folders of the respective items which will include their 10 photos of that item.

6.url.xlsx will be created which will include url of each images with there names in respective rows.

WARNING : do not open url.xlsx before completion execution of imageDownloader.exe. file else program will crash.

NOTE: You require internet connection to run this tool.