
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ostio + Exim = <3

This is an Exim implementation of the Ostio front-end.

Your open-source talks place.

Ostio ("open-source talks") is a forum for open-source projects and the best place for discussing project stuff with other users. It is tightly integrated with GitHub. The main ostio mission is to replace mailing lists.


The stack is cloned from brunch with exim skeleton. Use brunch with exim if you want to build new application:

brunch new <project name> -s exim


Brunch is a html5 application builder that's agnostic to programming langs and frameworks. In this case, ES6 is used with Stylus, React, Exim, and javascript libs.

brunch-config.js contains brunch configuration, package.json contains brunch plugins.


  • Marked.js: renders GitHub-flavored Markdown.
  • Moment.js: lightweight javascript date library.

Getting started

  • Clone the project.
  • Install brunch via nodejs: npm install -g brunch
  • Install brunch plugins: npm install
  • Run brunch watch --server (or brunch build if you'll listen webserver on public/)
  • Open dev.ost.io:3333 (set dev.ost.io to
  • Run backend if you want to use it locally or use default api.ost.io (configurable in app/config.js).

(No deploy script here yet. Deploy via: sudo sh bin/deploy)