
Fast, portable C implementations of Needleman-Wunsch and Smith-Waterman sequence alignment

Primary LanguageC


Smith-Waterman & Needleman-Wunsch Alignment in C
url: https://github.com/noporpoise/seq-align
author: Isaac Turner turner.isaac@gmail.com
license: GPLv3 updated: 8 May 2013


C implementations of optimal local (Smith-Waterman) and global (Needleman-Wunsch) alignment algorithms. Written to be fast, portable and easy to use. Commandline utilities smith_waterman and needleman_wunsch provide great flexibility. Code can also be included easily in third party programs, see nw_example/ and sw_example/ directories for examples. Also includes perl modules to provide perl API to programs.


  • Align any pair of ASCII sequences (DNA, Protein, words, etc.)
  • Specify alignment scoring systems or choose a common one (BLOSUM etc.)
  • Specify wildcards that match any character with a given score
  • Align with no mismatches (--nomismatches), or no gaps (--nogaps) with local and global alignment. When both used for local alignment, lists common substrings in order of length/score
  • Read fastq, fasta, sam, bam, plain (one sequence per line) and gzipped files
  • Display in colour (--colour)
  • Show alignment context when doing local alignment (--context <n>)
  • Allow a penalty free gap at the beginning or end of a global alignment (--freestartgap and --freeendgap)
  • Default behaviour is case-insensitve matching, change using --case_sensitive


Fetch and build dependencies (requires git, make and zlib)

$ cd libs
$ make
$ cd ..

Build seq-align:

$ make

For those interested, the depedencies used are:


    usage: ./bin/smith_waterman [OPTIONS] [seq1 seq2]
      Smith-Waterman optimal local alignment (maximises score).  
      Takes a pair of sequences on the command line, or can read from a
      file and from sequence piped in.  Can read gzip files and FASTA.

        --file <file>        Sequence file reading with gzip support - read two
                             sequences at a time and align them
        --files <f1> <f2>    Read one sequence from each file to align at one time
        --stdin              Read from STDIN (same as '--file -')

        --case_sensitive     Use case sensitive character comparison [default: off]

        --match <score>      [default: 2]
        --mismatch <score>   [default: -2]
        --gapopen <score>    [default: -1]
        --gapextend <score>  [default: -1]

        --scoring <PAM30|PAM70|BLOSUM80|BLOSUM62>
        --substitution_matrix <file>  see details for formatting
        --substitution_pairs <file>   see details for formatting

        --wildcard <w> <s>   Character <w> matches all characters with score <s>

        --minscore <score>   Minimum required score
                             [default: match * MAX(0.2 * length, 2)]
        --maxhits <hits>     Maximum number of results per alignment
                             [default: no limit]

        --context <n>        Print <n> bases of context
        --printseq           Print sequences before local alignments
        --printfasta         Print fasta header lines
        --pretty             Print with a descriptor line
        --colour             Print with colour

      EXPERIMENTAL (and buggy):
        --nogapsin1          No gaps allowed in the first sequence
        --nogapsin2          No gaps allowed in the second sequence
        --nogaps             No gaps allowed in either sequence
        --nomismatches       No mismatches allowed: cannot be used with --nogaps..

      * For help choosing scoring, see the README file. 
      * Gap (of length N) penalty is: (open+N*extend)
      * To do alignment without affine gap penalty, set '--gapopen 0'.
      * Scoring files should be matrices, with entries separated by a single
        character or whitespace. See files in the 'scores' directory for examples.

      turner.isaac@gmail.com  (compiled: Oct 23 2013 19:08:54)


    usage: ./bin/needleman_wunsch [OPTIONS] [seq1 seq2]
      Needleman-Wunsch optimal global alignment (maximises score).  
      Takes a pair of sequences on the command line, or can read from a
      file and from sequence piped in.  Can read gzip files and FASTA.

        --file <file>        Sequence file reading with gzip support - read two
                             sequences at a time and align them
        --files <f1> <f2>    Read one sequence from each file to align at one time
        --stdin              Read from STDIN (same as '--file -')

        --case_sensitive     Use case sensitive character comparison [default: off]

        --match <score>      [default: 1]
        --mismatch <score>   [default: -2]
        --gapopen <score>    [default: -4]
        --gapextend <score>  [default: -1]

        --scoring <PAM30|PAM70|BLOSUM80|BLOSUM62>
        --substitution_matrix <file>  see details for formatting
        --substitution_pairs <file>   see details for formatting

        --wildcard <w> <s>   Character <w> matches all characters with score <s>

        --freestartgap       No penalty for gap at start of alignment
        --freeendgap         No penalty for gap at end of alignment

        --printscores        Print optimal alignment scores
        --zam                A funky type of output
        --printfasta         Print fasta header lines
        --pretty             Print with a descriptor line
        --colour             Print with colour

      EXPERIMENTAL (and buggy):
        --nogapsin1          No gaps allowed in the first sequence
        --nogapsin2          No gaps allowed in the second sequence
        --nogaps             No gaps allowed in either sequence
        --nomismatches       No mismatches allowed: cannot be used with --nogaps..

      * For help choosing scoring, see the README file. 
      * Gap (of length N) penalty is: (open+N*extend)
      * To do alignment without affine gap penalty, set '--gapopen 0'.
      * Scoring files should be matrices, with entries separated by a single
        character or whitespace. See files in the 'scores' directory for examples.

      turner.isaac@gmail.com  (compiled: Oct 23 2013 19:08:54)


$ ./needleman_wunsch CAGACGT CGATA

Print alignment scores:

$ ./needleman_wunsch --printscores CAGACGT CGATA
score: -15

Read from file (dna.fa):


$ ./needleman_wunsch --printscores --file dna.fa.gz
score: -3

score: -5

Reading from STDIN:

$ gzip -d -c dna.fa.gz | ./needleman_wunsch --stdin


is the same as:

$ gzip -d -c dna.fa.gz | ./needleman_wunsch --file -

Set different scoring systems:

$ ./needleman_wunsch --match 1 --mismatch 0 --gapopen -10 --gapextend 0 ACGTGCCCCACAGAT AGGTGGACGAGAT

Scoring Penalties


Query Length Substitution Matrix Gap Costs (open,extend)
<35 PAM-30 (9,1)
35-50 PAM-70 (10,1)
50-85 BLOSUM-80 (10,1)
85 BLOSUM-62 (10,1)

[Table from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/html/sub_matrix.html]

gap (of length N) penalty: gap_open + N*gap_extend

NCBI BLAST Quote [from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/BLAST/blastcgihelp.shtml#Reward-penalty]:

Many nucleotide searches use a simple scoring system that consists of a "reward"
for a match and a "penalty" for a mismatch. The (absolute) reward/penalty ratio
should be increased as one looks at more divergent sequences. A ratio of 0.33
(1/-3) is appropriate for sequences that are about 99% conserved; a ratio of 0.5
(1/-2) is best for sequences that are 95% conserved; a ratio of about one (1/-1)
is best for sequences that are 75% conserved [1].

NCBI Gap (open, extend) values:

open extend
-5 -2
-2 -2
-1 -2
-0 -2
-3 -1
-2 -1
-1 -1

Our default (for now) are:
gap_open/gap_extend: (-4,-1)
match/mismatch: (1,-2)

for help on choosing scoring matrices see: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/help/matrix.html


NCBI protein align matices from: ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/blast/matrices/


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.


Feel free to contact me to request features. Bug reports are appreciated.

  1. Add tests
  2. Finish adding the following options:
  • No unneeded gaps:

  • Penalised gaps at ends:

  • free gaps at ends:

Algorithms to investigate: Gotoh Hirschberg's algorithm using linear space Myer's bit-vector algorithm Combination of Myer's and Hirschberg's algorithm