config uses a struct as input and populates the fields of this struct with parameters from command line, environment variables and configuration file.
go get
package main
import ""
step 1: Declare your configuration struct,
it may or may not contain substructures.
type mongoDB struct {
Host string `cfgDefault:"" cfgRequired:"true"`
Port int `cfgDefault:"999"`
type configTest struct {
Domain string
DebugMode bool `json:"db" cfg:"db" cfgDefault:"false"`
MongoDB mongoDB
IgnoreMe string `cfg:"-"`
func main() {
// step 2: Instantiate your structure.
config := configTest{}
// step 3: Pass the instance pointer to the parser
err := config.Parse(&config)
if err != nil {
The parser populated your struct with the data
it took from environment variables and command
line and now you can use it.
println("config.Domain......:", config.Domain)
println("config.DebugMode...:", config.DebugMode)
println("config.MongoDB.Host:", config.MongoDB.Host)
println("config.MongoDB.Port:", config.MongoDB.Port)
With the example above try environment variables like $DOMAIN or $MONGODB_HOST and run the example again to see what happens.
You can also try using parameters on the command line, try -h to see the help.
- Fork the repo on GitHub
- Clone the project to your own machine
- Create a branch with your modifications
git checkout -b fantastic-feature
. - Then commit your changes
git commit -m 'Implementation of new fantastic feature'
- Make a push to your branch
git push origin fantastic-feature
. - Submit a Pull Request so that we can review your changes