This is an ESP32 cpp (esp-idf) library for the DHT22 low cost temperature/humidity sensors.
Jun 2017: Ricardo Timmermann, new for DHT22.
This lib is the cpp version of one in the DHT22 repo.
Running DHT22
Create folder called DTH22. In this folder run:
$ git clone
$ make menuconfig and make sure to set Component config->LWIP->recv_bufsize
$ make
$ make flash monitor
See main.cpp
void DHT_task(void *pvParameter)
DHT dht;
dht.setDHTgpio( (gpio_num_t)4 );
printf( "Starting DHT Task\n\n");
while(1) {
printf("=== Reading DHT ===\n" );
int ret = dht.readDHT();
printf( "Hum %.1f\n", dht.getHumidity() );
printf( "Tmp %.1f\n", dht.getTemperature() );
// -- wait at least 2 sec before reading again ------------
// The interval of whole process must be beyond 2 seconds !!
vTaskDelay( 3000 / portTICK_RATE_MS );
void app_main()
vTaskDelay( 1000 / portTICK_RATE_MS );
xTaskCreate( &DHT_task, "DHT_task", 2048, NULL, 5, NULL );