
Bulldozer does loads of work on the background. It can be used for working on embarassingly parallel problems.

type Task interface {
	Run(interface{}) interface{}

It can run any task type that follows the interface definition mentioned above.



As mentioned above.


  • Initialize workers
    • Goroutines that are ready to work are initialized.
    • Initialized with a task which has the embarassingly parallel function.
  • Scheduler
    • The scheduler handles the initialized go-routines and divides work among them.
    • The exit signal is received to signal the end of execution.
  • respChan
    • This is the channel where the response from the work comes out.
  • Finish signal.
    • This can be used to finish the execution of the workers.

Example Usage

  • From bulldozer_test.go
	exitChan := make(chan int)
	workerCount := 3
	mt := &MyTask{}
	respChan := make(chan interface{}, workerCount)
	freeWorkerChan := InitializeWorkers(workerCount, respChan, mt)
	input, finish := Scheduler(freeWorkerChan, exitChan, respChan, workerCount)
	done := make(chan int)
	go func() {
		for i := 0; i < 100000; i++ {
			resp := <-respChan
		done <- 1

	for i := 0; i < 100000; i++ {
		input <- i

	finish <- 1