- This a react native application that enables users to book online laundry Services .
- Implemented a proximity service for suggesting nearest Stores using Haversine formula and increased store visibility by 90%
- Firebase is used a database to store the User details and authentication .
- Redux toolkit is used to manage the State inside of the react native applications .
- The user can Select the service and select the nearest store for the laundry services
- The user can also select the date and time of pickup and delivery of clothes .
- 📌 The Users Can SignUp and Login .
- 📌 The App uses the location details of the person to find the laundry services near that area and also the price .
- 📌 The User can provide Exact ADDRESS , DATE and TIME for the pick and delivery of the Clothes .
- 📌 The User also can avail free delivery above a certain bill .
cd AwesomeProject01
npm install
expo start
npm start
enter a
#Application Screen Shots