Krisha KZ scraping


Web scraping website In Progress....


[GET] /rent/all - get all apartments for rent

[GET] /sell/all - get all apartments for sale

[GET] /sell - get apartments by parameters

[GET] /rent - get apartments by parameters


city - select a city. Values = almaty, nur-sultan, shymkent, akmolinskaja-oblast, aktjubinskaja-oblast, almatinskaja-oblast, atyrauskaja-oblast, vostochno-kazahstanskaja-oblast, zhambylskaja-oblast, zapadno-kazahstanskaja-oblast, kostanajskaja-oblast, kyzylordinskaja-oblast, mangistauskaja-oblast, pavlodarskaja-oblast, severo-kazahstanskaja-oblast, juzhno-kazahstanskaja-oblast, zn - this means another city/region

room - number of rooms. Values = [1,2,3,4,5.100]. Ex: /sell/room=2

price_from - starting price. Values: min=1; max=15000000000000. Ex: /sell/price_from=100000000

price_to - the final price. Values: min=1; max=15000000000000. Ex: /sell/price_to=100000000

has_photo - select apartment only which has photo. Values: 1. Ex: /sell/has_photo=1

checked - select only verified apartments. Values: 1. Ex: /sell/checked=1

owner - select apartments only by owner (not realtor). Values: 1. Ex: /sell/owner=1

building - select apartments by type of building. Values: 1 - brick, 2 - panel, 3 - monolithic,4 - another. Ex: /sell/building=3

floor_from - starting floor of apartment. Values: min=0; max=500. Ex: /sell/floor_from=3

floor_to - the end floor of apartment. Values: min=0; max=500. Ex: /sell/floor_to=5

year_from - start year of construction. Values: min=1850; max=2030. Ex: /sell/year_from=2000

year_to - the end year of construction. Values: min=1850; max=2030. Ex: /sell/year_from=2015

toilet - type of bathroom. Values: 1 - separated; 2 - combined; 3 - more than 2; 4 - not. Ex: /sell/toilet=1

priv_dorm - former dormitory. Values: 1 - yes; 2 - no. Ex: /sell/priv_dorm=2

page - number of page. Values: int. Ex: /sell/page=2


You can use all the parameters you want via &. Example: /sell?room=2&checked=1&price_from=8000000&price_to=15000000






Clone the project

git clone

Install dependencies

make depends

Build and Run

make build
make run