
An Atom plugin that manages your tag files

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This package will take care of generating a tags file using the ctags binary whenever needed. That is, once, when loading, and then after each file is saved.

Gutentags is designed to work with Universal Ctags, the latest and most maintained implementation of ctags, and is (unsurprisingly) inspired by vim-gutentags.

IMPORTANT: This won't work with macOS's default ctags. It needs Universal Ctags.

It will use your .gitignore file to know what files to ignore out of the box.

Note that if you don't have ctags installed, this will do nothing. It's designed to "just work" and remain unnoticed and out of your way.

Atom already provides support for tagfiles so you can use symbols-view:go-to-declaration to easily navigate through tags!

TIP: Bind it to something like ctrl-] or use vim-mode-plus, which does this for you already, and gives you an awesome productivity boost!

Ignoring Files

By default, .gitignore will be picked up. If you want to ignore some files only when generating tags (eg: specs, or JSON files), create a .tagignore file. Anything valid in a .gitignore file is also valid in a .tagignore file.


There are similar plugins out there. But they do too much for my liking. All this does is manage the tags file, and nothing else.