Design Patterns in Ruby

Summary of the design patterns explained in the book Design Patterns in Ruby, where Russ Olsen explains and adapts to Ruby 14 of the original 23 GoF design patterns.

Design Patterns

  • Template Method: redefines certain steps of an algorithm without changing the algorithm's structure
  • Strategy: varies part of an algorithm at runtime
  • Observer: helps building a highly integrated system, maintainable and avoids coupling between classes
  • Composite: builds a hierarchy of tree objects and interacts with all them the same way
  • Iterator: provides a way to access a collection of sub-objects without exposing the underlaying representation
  • Command: performs some specific task without having any information about the receiver of the request
  • Adapter: helps two incompatible interfaces to work together
  • Proxy: allows us having more control over how and when we access to a certain object
  • Decorator: vary the responsibilities of an object adding some features
  • Singleton: have a single instance of certain class across the application
  • Factory: create objects without having to specify the exact class of the object that will be created
  • Builder: create complex objects that are hard to configure.