
This is the code used for helping to construct the pathway investigation database for the Jelesko Lab.

Primary LanguagePython

Jelesko Pathway Evolution DB


This repository contains code and documentation for the GBCB 5874 project with Prof. John Jelesko.

For the impatient

See if your question is in How do I .... Otherwise, keep reading.

Git repository layout

Deploying the FASTA Django Application

You are expected to be familiar with Django prior to deploying this site. When in doubt, consult the Django documentation. This site was built using Django 1.0.2, so the documentation is available at http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.0/

Downloading the application

The authoritative version of this application is hosted at GitHub under Chris Lasher's master branch at: http://github.com/gotgenes/jelesko-lab-pathway-db/tree/master

Obtain the code for this repository using

git clone git://github.com/gotgenes/jelesko-lab-pathway-db.git [DIRNAME]

This will create a new directory under your present one called jelesko-lab-pathway-db unless you specify a different DIRNAME. We refer to this hereon as the repository path, also noted as $REPO_PATH.

The code for the Django website for deployment lives under $REPO_PATH/Jelesko_Django/jelesko_web/, which we refer to here as the Django site, also $DJANGO_SITE.

For example, say you downloaded the Git repository to /usr/local/. Then $REPO_PATH is /usr/local/jelesko-lab-pathway-db/, $DJANGO_SITE is /usr/local/jelesko-lab-pathway-db/Jelesko_Django/jelesko_web/, and $DJANGO_SITE/blast_fasta/views.py is /usr/local/jelesko-lab-pathway-db/Jelesko_Django/jelesko_web/blast_fasta/views.py.

Creating a branch to customize the site

You should create a new branch in which you can add your own site customizations.

git checkout -b localsettings master

Configuring the database

If you're using Postgres or MySQL, you will need to create a database and a user for your Django site. Grant the user enough permissions to create tables and insert, select, and delete from the tables in the database. Mark down the name of the database and the user for Configuring the application.

If you're using sqlite3, you'll only need to create a database and give the path to the file.

Configuring the application

The first step involves filling out settings under under $DJANGO_SITE/settings.py. This includes, but is not limited to the following settings:


Fill in the database information in the database fields using the information from Configuring the database.

You must define the MEDIA_ROOT and MEDIA_URL. MEDIA_ROOT must have read and write access for the user that Django is run under. When using Django with Apache, this user is usually www-data on Debian-type systems, or apache on Red Hat type systems. Verify this by looking under /etc/passwd.

It is a really good idea to keep MEDIA_ROOT short. The FASTA programs have a character limit of 121 characters for file paths, and the input and output to the FASTA programs will be saved under the MEDIA_ROOT in time-stamped directories. Thus, keep MEDIA_ROOT short. Additionally, to serve files under this directory by Apache, it must be under the DocumentRoot. For example, /var/www/html/jdbmedia/. And in case you didn't realize this yet, it is a really good idea to keep MEDIA_ROOT short!

Under the MEDIA_ROOT, there must be two directories (also read-write-able by the Django/Apache user): MEDIA_ROOT/selects/ and MEDIA_ROOT/searches/, to store selections and search program outputs, respectively. Make sure all directories and files under MEDIA_ROOT have the proper permissions for the Django/Apache user.

MEDIA_URL should not be under the same Location as that used to access the Django site. See Configuring Apache for more about the Location directive.

In TEMPLATE_DIRS, add the path of $DJANGO_SITE.

Next, in $DJANGO_SITE/blast_fasta/views.py, fill out BLAST_DBS and BLAST_DB_PATHS, making sure to use the proper path to the database on the local filesystem. Make sure the paths in BLAST_DB_PATHS are accessible to the Django/Apache user (i.e., under the DocumentRoot or otherwise aliased, and with proper permissions).

Save your settings

At this point, you need to commit your changes to the Git repository to your local branch.

git commit -am "Saving local settings."

Synchronizing the Django site to the database

The Django site must synchronize with the database you're using.

python manage.py syncdb

Configuring Apache

Make sure you have mod_python installed and running on your system.

Either in your main Apache configuration or in an auxiliary configuration you will need to add a Location directive such as the following.

<Location "/jeleskodb/">
    SetHandler python-program
    PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
    PythonPath "['$REPO_PATH/Jelesko_Django/'] + sys.path"
    SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE jelesko_web.settings
    PythonOption django.root /jeleskodb
    PythonDebug On

Note that this must be a Location directive, not a Directory directive, since this isn't a physical directory on the file system.

The actual location is up to you. In this case, all pieces of the Django site will be accessible under http://yoursite/jeleskodb/.

How do I ...

How do I export all the database's sequences in FASTA format?

cd $REPO_PATH/Jelesko_Django/jelesko_web/
python manage.py dbtofasta

See the help documentation for more information

python manage.py dbtofasta --help

How do I download all the protein sequences from the NCBI whole genome projects?

Use the ncbifastafetch.py script.

cd $REPO_PATH/ftpfetch
python ncbifastafetch.py --help

How do I insert the FASTA-formatted protein sequences I've downloaded into the database?

First, generate a flat tab-separated-values file from the FASTA files using the fastatoflat.py script.

cd $REPO_PATH/fastatoflat
python fastatoflat.py --help

Once you've generated your flat file, you can use your database's import tool to load it into the blast_fasta_protein table. For example, with MySQL, you can use mysqlimport:

mysqlimport -d --columns="gi,accession,genus_species,annotation,download_date,sequence" --ignore-lines=1 -p DATABASE /path/to/blast_fasta_protein.txt

Read the documentation for your database to learn how to do this properly.

NOTE: Before you do this, you may need to remove duplicate entries (more than one entry may have the same GI/identifier). See How do I remove duplicate entries from the flat file?

How do I remove duplicate entries from the flat file?

Use the rmduplicates.py script.

cd $REPO_PATH/rmduplicates
python rmduplicates.py --help