
Primary LanguageShell

My dotfiles

Install software

Depending on your OS follow one of these guides:

Install configuration

git clone git@github.com:gotha/dotfiles.git && cd dotfiles
stow -t ~ .


Install all plugins

nvim +PackerSync


Start tmux and press prefix + I (shift + i) to install the required plugins.


vale sync

to update vale styles


to hide tab bar open about:config and enable toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets while you are here you can disable Pocket by setting extensions.pocket.enabled to false.

cd ~/.mozilla/firefox/ && \
cd $(ls -d *.default-*) && \
ln -s ../xxx.profile-xxx/chrome .



The prefix is Ctrl + Option + Cmd

shortcut effect
prefix + 0 "maximize" or resize current window
prefix + 9 send window to the other screen (assumes that you have only 2 monitors)
prefix + ➡️ resize window to fit into the right half of the screen
prefix + ⬅️ resize window to fit into the left half of the screen
prefix + ⬆️ resize window to fit into the top half of the screen
prefix + ⬇️ resize window to fit into the bottom half of the screen


The prefix in this configuration is Ctrl + Space

shortcut effect
prefix + | split vertically
prefix + _ split horizontaly
prefix + h j k l move to panel in the selected direction (vim style)
prefix + H J K L resize panel in selected direction (vim style)
prefix + c create new workspace (tab)
prefix + C create new window
prefix + n next window
prefix + p previous window
prefix + w view all windows
prefix + S save current session
prefix + R restore last saved session (useful after restart)
prefix + d detach from current tmux session (you can reattach with tmux attach)
prefix + [ enter in normal mode (navigate with hjkl, select text with shift + v and copy with y)
prefix + { switch the places of left and right panel