

fairingrey opened this issue · 3 comments

Hey all. I'm currently working on an Actix implementation for the realworld backend API spec. It's located here.

You can find more information about actix at their website here. It's one of the fastest frameworks available right now as shown on TechEmpower benchmarks, and it benefits from being relatively high-level and extensible with a number of other crates.

I also believe it would be much easier to grok and extend than the current Rust implementation provided.

This Actix implementation doesn't solely use actix, of course. In my Cargo.toml file I'm using a number of robust and community-trusted crates to provide more features and functionality.

Posting it here for exposure. If anyone would like to take a look and/or help out, that'd be great, as currently it needs to be reviewed. I think it'd also make pretty decent reference material for someone unfamiliar with the actix framework or Rust in general.


I've finally finished all the logic for this application and all the endpoints should work as intended, so I suppose the next step now is to put it in front of other Rust developers and get a sense of where things could be improved.

That, and I have a few issues open regarding unit testing and mocking, as I'm not fully aware of how it's idiomatically done in this framework yet, or if it needs to be (given how strict Rust is).

@fairingrey do you feel your implementation is finished? It could then go out of "work in progress" status on the front page.

Hello we are currently moving all work in progress to Github Discussions.
I'll close this issue by now, you can find instruction to open a discussion there : #633

Thanks for your contribution !