
This plugin overhaul the KSP 1.12 inventory system :

  • Inventories now have an unlimited amount of slots
  • All technically identical parts are stackable up to 10 parts per stack, excepted parts holding resources.
  • Automatic patching of all parts so they can used in the stock system (including parts from mods) :
    • Part volume is computed from the model bounds if not defined in the part config.
    • All parts whose volume is less than 2000 L can be be stored in inventories.
    • Larger parts are manipulable in EVA construction.
    • Parts variants have a separate volume for each variant.
    • Parts having inventories can be cargo parts, as long as their inventory is empty.
  • Overhauled inventory UI :
    • Amount of visible slots is tweakable.
    • Pagination system for navigating between visible slots.
    • Automatic reorganization button.
  • Variable cargo volume API for mods doing mesh switching, part resizing or procedural parts.
  • Should be 100% compatible with other mods using the stock inventory.
  • Bugfixes for stock inventory-related issues.

Download and installation

Compatible with KSP 1.12.3 ONLY

Required and must be downloaded separately :





First alpha release - for testing only