
This plugin is a continuation of the TweakScale mod for KSP. It is (very) loosly based on the original work from Pelinor, itself a continuation of the work from Goodspeed and Biotronic.

Stuff to do

  • Remove the SCALETYPE thing
  • Always allow arbitrary scaling (%), stack presets are optional
  • Autodetect stack size with some basic attach rules and bounding box heuristics, allow config-defined override
  • Allow defining min/max scale on a per-part basis
  • Don't use prefab values anymore and persist scaled values instead :
    • In flight, store scaled values
    • In the editor, also store original unscaled values
  • Refactor exponent definitions :
    • Separate PART, MODULE, RESOURCE and ATTACHNODE definitions
    • Top level resource blacklist (those resources are never scaled)
    • MODULE definitions can define PART overrides
    • Per definition module blacklist (don't apply the definition if module X is present)
    • Top-level definitions can be overriden by in-module local definitions
    • Those are instantiated as Exponent base class derivatives, which can also implement custom behavior from code
    • Exponents are serialized/persisted on the module to ensure config changes don't break existing vessels/crafts
   massExponent = 2 // dry mass exponent
   costExponent = 2 // base part cost exponent

  // field exponents (compact notation)
  // always applies absolute scaling
    breakingForce = 2
    breakingTorque 2

  // field exponent (detailed notation)
    name = buoyancy 
    exponent = 2
    useRelativeScaling = true

  name = ModuleEngine // module class name
  includeDerivatives = true // are derived classes included
  massExponent = 2 // module mass modifier exponent
  costExponent = 2 // module cost modifier exponent
        mass = 2
        breakingForce = 2
        breakingTorque 2

    maxThrust = 2.5


Things that we might want :

  • CrewCapacity scaling
  • Prevent downscaling to ridiculous masses

Modding ecosystem review


  • Supports scaling out of the box
  • The module has a scale field set through the normal module field editing mechanism
  • Not sure how a change is detected, B9PS doesn't seem to have an onEditorShipModified callback
  • Scaling seems to work right now.
  • B9PS can move AttachNodes. Not sure how this will interact.


  • Implements the OnPartScaleChanged callback
  • Handle resources on its own


  • Implements the OnPartScaleChanged callback
  • Also implements the IRescalable interface


  • Seems support is/was on tweakscale side

Other fuel switchers

  • SimpleFuelSwitch ?

Mods implementating the IRescalable interface

  • OnDemandFuelCells
  • InfernalRobotics (the old one, not sure about the new one)
  • IFS
  • Various stuff in KSPIE
  • FAR