
Generate JSON schemas from JavaScript code comments using a new jsDoc @schema tag.

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Generate JSON schemas from JavaScript code comments using a new jsDoc @schema tag.


npm install --save jsdoc-to-json-schema


Using this module within your node project

var toJsonSchema = require('jsdoc-to-json-schema');

// OPTION 1: generate a JSON schema for product.js and save it to disk
toJsonSchema('./example/product.js', './example/product.schema.json');

// OPTION 2: generate a JSON schema and return it as an object
    // do something with it

// OPTION 3: generate a JSON schema, save it to disk and return it as an object
toJsonSchema('./example/product.js', './example/product.schema.json').then(function(schema){
    // do something with it

Using this module via the command line

# install the module globally
$ npm install -g jsdoc-to-json-schema

# execute from command line passing input and output paths
$ jsdoc-to-json-schema -i ./example/product.js -o ./example/product.schema.json

Using this module as an expressjs response

var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var toJsonSchema = require('../lib/jsdoc-to-json-schema.js');

// create an express route
app.get('/', function(req, res){

    // pipe schema directly to the response stream
    toJsonSchema('./examples/person.js', res);

// start the server listening on port 8080
app.listen(8080, function(){
    console.log('Example app listening on port 8080');

For use with express consider the dedicated express middleware project express-json-schema

Input (singleton)

JavaScript file containing jsDoc @schema tags used to define the JSON schema:

 * @schema.name Person
 * @schema.description This is an example Person object marked up with JSON schema tags to allow schema generation
var Person = {

     * @schema.title Name
     * @schema.description Please enter your full name
     * @schema.type string
     * @schema.maxLength 30
     * @schema.minLength 1
     * @schema.required true
    name: '',

     * @schema.title Job Title
     * @schema.type string
    jobTitle: '',

     * @schema.title Telephone Number
     * @schema.description Please enter telephone number including country code
     * @schema.type string
     * @schema.required true
    telephone: '',

     * @schema.type string
     * @schema.required true
    dateOfBirth: ''


    "name": "Person",
    "description": "This is an example Person object marked up with JSON schema tags to allow schema generation",
    "properties": {
        "name": {
            "title": "Name",
            "description": "Please enter your full name",
            "type": "string",
            "maxLength": 30,
            "minLength": 1,
            "required": true
        "jobTitle": {
            "title": "Job Title",
            "type": "string"
        "telephone": {
            "title": "Telephone Number",
            "description": "Please enter telephone number including country code",
            "type": "string",
            "required": true
        "dateOfBirth": {
            "type": "string",
            "required": true
        "address": {
            "type": "object"

Input (instance)

JavaScript file containing jsDoc @schema tags used to define the JSON schema:

 * @schema.name Product
 * @schema.description An example product marked up with json schema comments
function Product(){


 * @schema.type array
 * @schema.minItems 3
 * @schema.maxItems 6
 * @schema.required true
Product.prototype.types = function(){



    "name": "Product",
    "description": "An example product marked up with json schema comments",
    "properties": {
        "types": {
            "type": "array",
            "minItems": 3,
            "maxItems": 6,
            "required": true

Supported JSON Schema tags

The following JSON Schema v3 tags are supported, however undocumented @schema tags will also be generated in order to aid extensibility.

Note: @schema tags without an associated value will be ignored.

Tag Type
@schema.name string
@schema.description string
@schema.extends string
@schema.id string
@schema.type string
@schema.pattern string
@schema.title string
@schema.format string
@schema.disallow string
@schema.enum array
@schema.minimum integer
@schema.maximum integer
@schema.minItems integer
@schema.maxItems integer
@schema.minLength integer
@schema.maxLength integer
@schema.exclusiveMinimum integer
@schema.exclusiveMaximum integer
@schema.divisibleBy integer
@schema.required boolean
@schema.uniqueItems boolean
@schema.default any

Running tests

Install dev dependencies and run tests:

$ npm install -d && npm test


Licensed under ISC License © John Doherty