
create a markdown table documenting a React component's propTypes

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


create a markdown table documenting a React component's propTypes

Adapted from material-ui's PropTypeDescription component: https://github.com/callemall/material-ui/blob/82482758573dc714b210529dcf092dab904db0ba/docs/src/app/components/PropTypeDescription.js

Install - Usage - License: Apache-2.0

npm travis standard


npm install prop-types-table


prop-types-table src/index.js > generated-docs.md

The result looks a bit like this:

Name Type Default Description
video string An 11-character string representing a YouTube video ID..
id string DOM ID for the player element.
className string CSS className for the player element.
width number, string Width of the player element.
height number, string Height of the player element.
onCued function () => {} Sent when the video is cued and ready to play.
onBuffering function () => {} Sent when the video is buffering.

You can use this together with md-insert to put prop type documentation for components into your markdown readme.

prop-types-table src/index.js | md-insert -i README.md --header Props

