
transform an AST with source maps

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Transform an AST with source maps. Basically @substack's falafel, but based on magic-string.


var result = require('transform-ast')(`
  var multiply = (a, b) => {
    return a * b
  var add = (a, b) => a + b
`, function (node) {
  if (node.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression') {
    var params = node.params.map(function (param) { return param.getSource() })
    if (node.body.type !== 'BlockStatement') {
      node.body.edit.update(`{ return ${node.body.getSource()} }`)
    node.edit.update(`function (${params.join(', ')}) ${node.body.getSource()}`)
result.toString() === `
  var multiply = function (a, b) {
    return a * b
  var add = function (a, b) { return a + b }
fs.writeFile('output.js.map', JSON.stringify(result.map))


npm install --save transform-ast


magicString = transformAst(source, opts = {}, fn = function () {})

Parse and transform a source string. fn will be called on each node. The returned magicString is a magic-string instance, with a toString() method to get the transformed string and a .map property to access the source map.

opts.parser sets the parser module to use. This should be an object with a .parse(src, opts) function. The default is require('acorn-node').

If you already have an AST, pass it in opts.ast. This will skip the parse step inside transformAst().

transformAst(source, { ast: parsedSource }, cb)


Walk the AST again. fn will be called on each node.


Generate and return a source map. If the input source had an inline source map comment, this will be taken into account, and the final source map will point back to the original string. The source map for only the changes made by transform-ast can be accessed by using magic-string's generateMap() method.


In addition to the usual AST node properties, each node object also has some additional methods. Unlike falafel, these methods live on the .edit property, to prevent name conflicts (such as the update() method and the .update property of a ForStatement). They're still also defined on the nodes themselves, but only if there is no naming conflict. It's better to use the .edit property.

node.getSource(), node.edit.source()

Get the source string for a node, including transformations.


Replace node with the given string.


Append the source string after this node.


Prepend the source string before this node.

Custom Parser

You can pass in a custom parser using the parser option. The parser should be an object with a parse function that takes a string and returns an AST. Each AST node should have .start and .end properties indicating their position in the source string.

For example, parsing JSX using babylon:

var babylon = require('babylon')
var transform = require('transform-ast')
var assert = require('assert')

  var el = <div />;
`, { parser: babylon, plugins: [ 'jsx' ] }, function (node) {
  if (node.type === 'JSXElement') {
}).toString(), `
  var el = "<div />";

But parsers for other languages too, like tacoscript's parser module horchata:

var horchata = require('horchata')
var transform = require('transform-ast')
var assert = require('assert')

X = () -> {
  @prop or= 'value'
new X
`, { parser: horchata }, function (node) {
  switch (node.type) {
  case 'FunctionExpression':
    node.edit.update('function () ' + node.body.getSource())
}).toString(), `
X = function () {
  @prop or= 'value'
new X
