
Elisys ESP32 Weather Station is a weather station that reads data from sensors like light sensor, temperature sensor, humidity and pressure sensors and sends them values to a server.

Primary LanguageRust

Elisys ESP32 Weather Station (Rust)

Elisys ESP32 Weather Station is a weather station, implemented using Rust programming language, that reads data from sensors like light sensor, temperature sensor, humidity and pressure sensors and sends then the values to a server like Elisys Home Automation Server (Java). This software belongs to the Elisys Home Automation Software suite.


  • register the device on the remote server;
  • read data from light sensor (Lux value, sensor: BH1750);
  • read temperature from a sensor (sensor: DHT11);
  • read humidity from a sensor (sensor: DHT11);
  • read pressure from a sensor (WIP).


GPIO Description
GPIO5 LED (device status)
GPIO15 thermometer and humidity sensor
GPIO21 SDA - light sensor
GPIO22 SCL - light sensor

Tested on ESP32-DevKitC and developed on Linux (Ubuntu).



Known issues

Sometimes the DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor goes in timeout. It depends on the driver that is used in this application. I introduced an insistent check of the sensor data (it tries, if I am not wrong, about 100 times, before giving up). If your DTH11 goes always in timeout, then I suggest you to changed the driver (try another rust crate: for DHT11 there are about 3-5 drivers) or write yourself a driver based on the official documentation of the device.

I developed this software on Linux (Ubuntu). For more info about how to configure your environment you can take a look here.

If you found a bug, please ping me here.