Docker Pinpoint

Docker for Pinpoint.


All versions of Docker run on Debian (jessie). Minimal requirements are installed, git, wget, curl, ps, netstat.


  • Oracle Java SE 6, 7 and 8 with JAVA_6_HOME, JAVA_7_HOME, JAVA_8_HOME and JAVA_HOME
  • Maven 3.5.0
  • HBase 1.1.0


docker run -i -t -p 28080-28082:28080-28082 --cap-add SYS_PTRACE \
yous/pinpoint:1.6.0 bash

--cap-add SYS_PTRACE is needed for netstat -anp for displaying its PID with the program name.


Start HBase

  • Start: quickstart/bin/
  • Initialize Tables: quickstart/bin/

Start Pinpoint Daemons

  • Collector: quickstart/bin/
  • Web UI: quickstart/bin/
  • TestApp: quickstart/bin/

Visit the following addresses to test out your Pinpoint instance.

  • Web UI: http://localhost:28080
  • TestApp: http://localhost:28081


  • HBase: quickstart/bin/
  • Collector: quickstart/bin/
  • Web UI: quickstart/bin/
  • TestApp: quickstart/bin/