Awesome Zeebe

Awesome Contribute

A curated list of awesome Zeebe clients, workers and applications. Inspired by awesome-go.


Contributions are welcome, if you build something awesome with Zeebe please let us know. Take a quick gander at the contribution guidelines first.

If you see a package or project here that is no longer maintained or is not a good fit, please submit a pull request to improve this file. Thank you!



Libraries to interact with Zeebe


Generic Zeebe job workers to complete tasks


Exporters to load data into external systems

Want an exporter for another system?

You can build one in as little as 15 minutes. Take a look at the Zeebe Exporter Demo, and the tutorial blog posts Part One and Part Two.


Applications to interact with Zeebe


Test utilities to help you develop Zeebe-dependent applications

  • Zeebe Test Container - TestContainers module to help you write integration tests against configurable Zeebe instances.
  • Zeebe Chaos - contains everything related to chaos engineering and Zeebe, like chaos experiments, an hypotheses backlog etc.


Zeebe integrations with other systems



To the extent possible under law, Zeebe has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.