Ruby gem that fetches images and metadata from a given URL. Much like popular social website with link preview.
- AlexanderPavlenko
- andikan
- ankkhoAirAsia
- antoinelyset@sliteteam
- arjunmenon@razorpay
- augustocsmartinsSão José dos Pinhais, PR, Brazil
- Beans0063
- casoetanGreater Toronto Area
- cmuttyBoston, MA
- danielfriisCopenhagen, Denmark
- DCasManchester, NH
- girishsoPune, India
- gottfrois@textmaster
- gsanchezdDesafioLatam
- heliostaticTailscale
- hfwangWejoinin
- itsbalamurali@wearesovrin
- jalcineOccupied Lands of Turtle Island
- JonwheelerOjai, CA
- joseustraSona
- jpibarra1130
- juniovitorinoBelo Horizonte
- juriglxBerlin
- kenchan@pepabo
- kinopyoTokyo, Japan
- lkorthBraintree
- mikewireHong Kong SAR China
- nunziofioreMemori
- rafaelgom3s@apiax
- sebjacobsFutureLearn
- sharpSiga
- sushengloongSingapore
- tzarskyz
- vladvinnikovSidelineSwap
- yujiym#710 inc.
- yuki24Tokyo, Japan