
Optics Agent for GraphQL Monitoring in Ruby

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Apollo Optics agent for GraphQL Monitoring in Ruby.

Gem Version Build Status



gem 'optics-agent'

To your Gemfile

API key

You'll need to run your app with the OPTICS_API_KEY environment variable set (or set via agent.configure) to the API key of your Apollo Optics endpoint; you can get an API key by setting up a endpoint at https://optics.apollodata.com.

Rails Setup

Create an agent in config/initializers/optics_agent.rb, and register the rack middleware:

optics_agent = OpticsAgent::Agent.new
optics_agent.configure do
  schema YourSchema
  # See other configuration options below
Rails.application.config.middleware.use optics_agent.rack_middleware

Register Apollo Optics agent from your on the GraphQL context within your graphql action as below:

def create
  query_string = params[:query]
  query_variables = ensure_hash(params[:variables])

  result = YourSchema.execute(
    variables: query_variables,
    context: {
      # This is the key line: we take the optics_agent passed in from the
      # Rack environment and pass it as context
      optics_agent: env[:optics_agent]

  render json: result

You can check out the GitHunt Rails API server example here: https://github.com/apollostack/githunt-api-rails

General Setup

You must:

  1. Create an agent with OpticsAgent::Agent.new
  2. Register your schema with the agent.configure block
  3. Attach the agent.rack_middleware to your Rack router
  4. Ensure you pass the optics_agent context from the rack environment to your schema execution.

Non-HTTP queries

If you aren't actually servicing a HTTP/Rack request in executing the query, simply pass:

  context: { optics_agent: :no_rack }

This will mean the query is instrumented without HTTP timings or client versions.

Skipping queries

If you want to skip a particular query, pass:

  context: { optics_agent: :skip }


After creating an agent, you can configure it with (the values listed are the defaults):

# defaults are show below
agent.configure do
  # The schema you wish to instrument
  schema YourSchema

  # Your API key for the Optics service. This defaults to the OPTICS_API_KEY
  # environment variable, but can be overridden here.
  api_key ENV['OPTICS_API_KEY']

  # Log detailed debugging messages
  debug false

  # Don't report anything to Optics (useful for testing)
  disable_reporting false

  # Print JSON versions of the data sent to Optics to the log
  print_reports false

  # Send detailed traces along with usage reports
  report_traces true

  # How long to wait before sending a schema report after startup, in
  # milliseconds
  schema_report_delay_ms 10 * 1000

  # How often to send reports in milliseconds. Defaults to 1 minute.
  # You shouldn't need to set this unless you are debugging.
  report_interval_ms 60 * 1000

  # Where to send the reports. Defaults to the production Optics endpoint,
  # or the `OPTICS_ENDPOINT_URL` environment variable if it is set.
  # You shouldn't need to set this unless you are debugging
  endpoint_url 'https://optics-report.apollodata.com'


The Apollo Optics agent is designed to allow your application to continue working, even if the agent is not configured properly.

No data in Optics

If there is no data being sent to Optics, ensure you've followed the steps above, then check your application logs to look for the following messages:

Message: No api_key set.

Solution: Get a valid API key from Optics and use the OPTICS_API_KEY environment variable, or configuration to pass it to the agent.

Message: No schema instrumented

Solution: Ensure you are passing your schema to the agent configuration.

Message: No agent passed in graphql context

Solution: Ensure you are passing context: { optics_agent: env[:optics_agent].with_document(query_string) } where env is the Rack request environment, and query_string is the string representing your query. See the setup instructions for more details.


You can also use the debug configuration setting to get more detailed debugging information, which may give hints as to what the issue is.


Running tests

bundle install
bundle exec rspec

Building protobuf definitions

Ensure you've installed protobuf and development dependencies.

# this works on OSX
brew install protobuf

# ensure it's version 3
protoc --version

bundle install

Compile the .proto definitions with

bundle exec rake protobuf:compile