A Huggingface implementation of 'Stronger Baselines for Grammatical Error Correction Using Pretrained Encoder-Decoder Model' (only English model)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is an unofficial implementation of the following paper:

    title = "Stronger Baselines for Grammatical Error Correction Using a Pretrained Encoder-Decoder Model",
    author = "Katsumata, Satoru  and
      Komachi, Mamoru",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 10th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing",
    month = dec,
    year = "2020",
    address = "Suzhou, China",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2020.aacl-main.83",
    pages = "827--832",


Confirmed that it works on python==3.8.10 and following modules:

pip install transformers==4.23.1 accelerate==0.13.2


This implementation uses Accelerate module for training on multiple GPUs.
Please execute accelerate config and input settings.
Here is an example for training on a GPU.

accelerate config
# In which compute environment are you running? ([0] This machine, [1] AWS (Amazon SageMaker)): 0
# Which type of machine are you using? ([0] No distributed training, [1] multi-CPU, [2] multi-GPU, [3] TPU [4] MPS): 0
# Do you want to run your training on CPU only (even if a GPU is available)? [yes/NO]:
# Do you want to use DeepSpeed? [yes/NO]: 
# What GPU(s) (by id) should be used for training on this machine as a comma-seperated list? [all]:
# Do you wish to use FP16 or BF16 (mixed precision)? [NO/fp16/bf16]: bf16

Here is a quick start example. You can use your data by changing source, target and {train|valid}pref option.

accelerate launch train.py \
--model_id facebook/bart-base \
--source src \
--target trg \
--trainpref demo/train \
--validpref demo/train \
--outdir models/sample \
--seed 1 \
--epoch 5 \
--batch_size 1 \
--accumulation 1

The training progress will be shown as the following format:

[Epoch 0] [TRAIN]:  12%|█▏        | 520/4387 [02:31<20:56,  3.08it/s, loss=2.56, lr=7.8e-6]

The trained models are saved the following format.
best/ is the checkpoint that achieves lowest loss on the validation data.

├── best
│   ├── config.json
│   ├── lr_state.bin
│   ├── merges.txt
│   ├── my_config.json
│   ├── pytorch_model.bin
│   ├── special_tokens_map.json
│   ├── tokenizer_config.json
│   ├── tokenizer.json
│   └── vocab.json
├── last
│   ├── ...
└── log.json

Predict / Generate

python generate.py \
 --restore_dir <best/ or last/ dir> \
 --input <a raw text file that you want to correct errors> \
 > output_file.txt

Note: Label smoothing of CrossEntropyLoss

A Label smoothing is important but Huggingface's BartForConditionGeneration does not support the label smoothing option.

So, it's better to directly change loss_fct = CrossEntropyLoss() to loss_fct = CrossEntropyLoss(label_smoothing=0.1) in transformers/models/bart/modeling_bart.py. This slightly improves performances.

Performances obtained

I conducted an experiment using this implementation. The parameters are:

hyperparameter value
Pretrained Model facebook/bart-base or facebook/bart-large
Train data BEA19-train without non-corrected pairs (about 560k pairs)
Validation data FCE-dev
Optimizer Adam
Learning rate 3e-5
Learning rate scheduler linear
Warmup steps for lr-scheculer 500
Batch size 64
Gradients accumulation 4
Max length (Both Enc and Dec) 128
Label smoothing of CrossEntropyLoss 0.1
Num epochs 5

The trained models are available from Huggingface Hub:
gotutiyan/gec-bart-base: model card
gotutiyan/gec-bart-large: model card

For the evaluation of BEA19-dev, I regenerated the correction spans of the references with ERRANT: errant_m2 -auto.

Model CoNLL14 (P/R/F0.5) BEA19-dev (P/R/F0.5) BEA19-test (P/R/F0.5) JFLEG-dev (GLEU) JFLEG-test (GLEU)
Paper (bart-large) 69.3/45.0/62.6 - 68.3/57.1/65.6 - 57.3
gotutiyan/gec-bart-base 70.0/38.5/60.2 56.0/29.0/47.2 67.7/50.1/63.3 51.5 55.2
gotutiyan/gec-bart-large 71.01/43.3/62.9 60.2/33.7/52.0 70.4/55.0/66.6 52.9 57.8

The above results are for a single model. The beam width was set to 5 in the inference.

You can use these models by:

python generate.py \
 --restore_dir gotutiyan/gec-bart-base \
 --input <a raw text file that you want to correct errors> \
 > output_file.txt