
Unofficial PyTorch implementation of "GECToR -- Grammatical Error Correction: Tag, Not Rewrite"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is one of the implementation of the following paper:

    title = "{GECT}o{R} {--} Grammatical Error Correction: Tag, Not Rewrite",
    author = "Omelianchuk, Kostiantyn  and
      Atrasevych, Vitaliy  and
      Chernodub, Artem  and
      Skurzhanskyi, Oleksandr",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fifteenth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications",
    month = jul,
    year = "2020",
    address = "Seattle, WA, USA → Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2020.bea-1.16",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2020.bea-1.16",
    pages = "163--170"

Differences from other implementations

  • Official: grammarly/gector
    • Without AllenNLP
    • Trained checkpoints can be downloaded from Hub
    • Distributed training
    • 😔 Does not support probabilistic ensemble
  • cofe-ai/fast-gector
    • Use Accelerate for distributed training


Confirmed that it works on python3.11.0.

pip install -r requirements.txt
# Donwload the verb dictionary in advance
mkdir data
cd data
wget https://github.com/grammarly/gector/raw/master/data/verb-form-vocab.txt


  • Code: MIT license
  • Trained models on Hugging Face Hub: Only non-commercial purposes.


  • I will published pre-trained weights on Hugging Face Hub. Please refer to Performances obtained.

  • Note that this implementation does not support probabilistic ensembling. See Ensemble.


python predict.py \
    --input <raw text file> \
    --restore_dir gotutiyan/gector-roberta-base-5k \
    --out <path to output file>


from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from gector import GECToR, predict, load_verb_dict

model_id = 'gotutiyan/gector-roberta-base-5k'
model = GECToR.from_pretrained(model_id)
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id)
encode, decode = load_verb_dict('data/verb-form-vocab.txt')
srcs = [
    'This is a correct sentence.',
    'This are a wrong sentences'
corrected = predict(
    model, tokenizer, srcs,
    encode, decode,

Performances obtained

I performed experiments using this implementation. Trained models are also obtained from Hugging Face Hub.

The details of experimental settings:
  • All models below are trained on all of stages 1, 2, and 3.


  • The common training config is the following:
    "restore_vocab_official": "data/output_vocabulary/",
    "max_len": 80,
    "n_epochs": 10,
    "p_dropout": 0.0,
    "lr": 1e-05,
    "cold_lr": 0.001,
    "accumulation": 1,
    "label_smoothing": 0.0,
    "num_warmup_steps": 500,
    "lr_scheduler_type": "constant"

For stage1,

    "batch_size": 256,
    "n_cold_epochs": 2

For stage2,

    "batch_size": 128,
    "n_cold_epochs": 2

For stage3,

    "batch_size": 128,
    "n_cold_epochs": 0


Stage Train Datasets (# sents.) Validation Dataset (# sents.)
1 PIE-synthetic (8,865,347, a1 split of this) BEA19-dev (i.e. W&I+LOCNESS-dev, 4,382)
2 BEA19-train: FCE-train + W&I+LOCNESS-train + Lang-8 + NUCLE, without src=trg pairs (561,290) BEA19-dev
3 W&I+LOCNESS-train (34,304) BEA19-dev
  • Note that the number of epochs for stage1 is smaller than official setting (= 20 epochs). The reasons for this are (1) the results were competitive the results in the paper even at 10 epochs, and (2) I did not want to occupy as much computational resources in my laboratory as possible.
  • The tag vocabulary is the same as official one.
  • I trained on three different seeds (10,11,12) for each model, and use the one with the best performance.
    • Futhermore, I tweaked a keep confidence and a sentence-level minimum error probability threshold (from 0 to 0.9, 0.1 steps each) for each best model.
    • Finally, the checkpoint with the highest F0.5 on BEA19-dev is used.
    • The number of iterations is 5.


  • Used ERRANT for the BEA19-dev evaluation.
    • I merely used official reference M2 file for the evaluation. Basically, the edit spans of reference M2 should be obtained again with ERRANT (errant_m2 -auto). However, I do not know if many research do that, and it seems that they do not. Thus I also do not that.
  • Used CodaLab for the BEA19-test evaluation.
  • Used M2 Scorer for the CoNLL14 evaluation.

Single setting


Model Confidence Threshold BEA19-dev (P/R/F0.5) CoNLL14 (P/R/F0.5) BEA19-test (P/R/F0.5)
BERT [Omelianchuk+ 2020] 72.1/42.0/63.0 71.5/55.7/67.6
RoBERTa [Omelianchuk+ 2020] 73.9/41.5/64.0 77.2/55.1/71.5
XLNet [Omelianchuk+ 2020] 66.0/33.8/55.5 77.5/40.1/65.3 79.2/53.9/72.4
DeBERTa [Tarnavskyi+ 2022](Table 3) 64.2/31.8/53.8
gotutiyan/gector-bert-base-cased-5k 0.4 0.6 64.5/30.0/52.4 73.0/33.6/59.1 76.8/48.7/68.9
gotutiyan/gector-roberta-base-5k 0.5 0.0 65.8/31.8/54.2 74.6/35.7/61.3 78.5/51.0/70.8
gotutiyan/gector-xlnet-base-cased-5k 0.5 0.0 67.2/30.7/54.3 77.2/34.4/61.8 78.8/49.9/70.7
gotutiyan/gector-deberta-base-5k 0.4 0.3 64.1/34.5/54.7 73.7/38.8/62.5 76.0/54.2/70.4


Model Confidence Threshold BEA19-dev (P/R/F0.5) CoNLL14 (P/R/F0.5) BEA19-test (P/R/F0.5)
RoBERTa [Tarnavskyi+ 2022] 65.7/33.8/55.3 80.7/53.3/73.2
XLNet [Tarnavskyi+ 2022] 64.2/35.1/55.1
DeBERTa [Tarnavskyi+ 2022] 66.3/32.7/55.0
DeBERTa (basetag) [Mesham+ 2023] 68.1/38.1/58.8 77.8/56.7/72.4
gotutiyan/gector-bert-large-cased-5k 0.5 0.0 64.7/32.0/53.7 75.9/36.8/62.6 77.2/50.4/69.8
gotutiyan/gector-roberta-large-5k 0.4 0.6 65.7/34.3/55.5 75.4/37.1/62.5 78.5/53.7/71.9
gotutiyan/gector-xlnet-large-cased-5k 0.3 0.4 63.8/36.5/55.5 74.6/41.6/64.4 75.9/56.7/71.1
gotutiyan/gector-deberta-large-5k 0.5 0.4 68.7/33.1/56.6 80.0/36.9/64.8 81.1/52.8/73.2

Ensemble setting

Model CoNLL14 (P/R/F0.5) BEA19-test (P/R/F0.5) Note
BERT(base) + RoBERTa(base) + XLNet(base) [Omelianchuk+ 2020] 78.2/41.5/66.5 78.9/58.2/73.6
gotutiyan/gector-bert-base-cased-5k + gotutiyan/gector-roberta-base-5k + gotutiyan/gector-xlnet-base-cased-5k 80.9/33.3/63.0 83.5/48.7/73.1 The ensemble method is different from Omelianchuk+ 2020.
RoBERTa(large, 10k) + XLNet(large, 5k) + DeBERTa(large, 10k) [Tarnavskyi+ 2022] 84.4/54.4/76.0
gotutiyan/gector-roberta-large-5k + gotutiyan/gector-xlnet-large-cased-5k + gotutiyan/gector-deberta-large-5k 81.7/37.0/65.8 84.0/53.4/75.4

How to train


Use official preprocessing code. E.g.

mkdir utils
cd utils
wget https://github.com/grammarly/gector/raw/master/utils/preprocess_data.py
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grammarly/gector/master/utils/helpers.py
cd ..
python utils/preprocess_data.py \
    -s <raw source file path> \
    -t <raw target file path> \
    -o <output path>


train.py uses Accelerate. Please input your environment with accelerate config in advance.

accelerate launch train.py \
    --train_file <preprocess output of train> \
    --valid_file <preprocess output of validation> \
    --save_dir outputs/sample
Other options of train.py :
Option Default Note
--model_id bert-base-cased Specify BERT-like model. I confirmed that bert-**, roberta-**, microsoft/deberta-, xlnet-** are worked.
--batch_size 16
--delimeter SEPL|||SEPR The delimeter of preprocessed file.
--additional_delimeter SEPL__SEPR Another delimeter to split multiple tags for a word.
--restore_dir None For training from specified checkpoint. Both weights and tag vocab will be loaded.
--restore_vocab None To train with existing tag vocabulary. Please specify config.json to this. Note that weights are not loaded.
--restore_vocab_official None Use existing tag vocabulary in the official format. Please specify like path/to/data/output_vocabulary/
--max_len 80 Maximum length of input (subword-level length)
--n_max_labels 5000 The number of tag types.
--n_epochs 10 The number of epochs.
--n_cold_epochs 2 The number of epochs to train only classifier layer.
--lr 1e-5 The learning rate after cold steps.
--cold_lr 1e-3 The learning rate during cold steps.
--p_dropout 0.0 The dropout rate of label projection layers.
--accumulation 1 The number of accumulation.
--seed 10 seed
--label_smoothing 0.0 The label smoothing of the CrossEntropyLoss.
--num_warmup_steps 500 The number of warmup for learning rate scheduler.
--lr_scheduler_type constant Specify leaning rate scheduler type.

NOTE: For those who are familiar with the official implementation,

  • --tag_strategy is not available but it is forced to keep_one.
  • --skip_correct is not available. Please remove identical pairs from your training data in advance.
  • --patience is not available since this implementation does not employ early stopping.
  • --special_token_fix is not available since this code automatically judge this one from --model_id.

The best and last checkpoints are saved. The format is:

├── best
│   ├── added_tokens.json
│   ├── config.json
│   ├── merges.txt
│   ├── pytorch_model.bin
│   ├── special_tokens_map.json
│   ├── tokenizer_config.json
│   ├── tokenizer.json
│   └── vocab.json
├── last
│   ├── ... (The same as best/)
└── log.json


The same usage of the Usage. You can specify best/ or last/ directory to --restore_dir.


python predict.py \
    --input <raw text file> \
    --restore_dir outputs/sample/best \
    --out <path to output file>
Other options of predict.py:
Option Default Note
--n_iteration 5 The number of iterations.
--batch_size 128 A Batch size.
--keep_confidence 0.0 A bias for the $KEEP label.
--min_error_prob 0.0 A sentence-level minimum error
probability threshold
--verb_file data/verb-form-vocab.txt Assume that you already have this file by Installing.
--visualize None Output visualization results to a specified file.

Or, to use as API,

from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from gector import GECToR

path = 'outputs/sample/best'
model = GECToR.from_pretrained(path)
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(path)

Visualize the predictions

You can use --visualize option to output a visualization of the predictions. It will be helpful for qualitative analyses.

For example,

echo 'A ten years old boy go school' > demo.txt
python predict.py \
--restore_dir gotutiyan/gector-roberta-base-5k \
--input demo.txt \
--visualize visualize.txt

visualize.txt will show:

=== Line 0 ===
== Iteration 0 ==
|$START |A     |ten       |years                         |old   |boy   |go                     |school |
== Iteration 1 ==
|$START |A     |ten   |-     |year  |old   |boy   |goes       |school |
== Iteration 2 ==
|$START |A     |ten   |-     |year      |old   |boy   |goes  |to    |school |
A ten - year - old boy goes to school

Tweak parameters

To tweak two parameters in the inference, please use predict_tweak.py.
The following example tweaks both of parameters in {0, 0.1, 0.2 ... 0.9}. kc is a keep confidence and mep is a minimum error probability threshold.

python predict_tweak.py \
    --input <raw text file> \
    --restore_dir outputs/sample/best \
    --kc_min 0 \
    --kc_max 1 \
    --mep_min 0 \
    --mep_max 1 \
    --step 0.1

This script creates <--restore_dir>/outputs/tweak_outputs/ and saves each output in it.

├── kc0.0_mep0.0.txt
├── kc0.0_mep0.1.txt
├── kc0.0_mep0.2.txt

After that, you can determine the best parameters by doing the following:

for kc in `seq 0 0.1 0.9` ; do
for mep in `seq 0 0.1 0.9` ; do
# Refer to $RESTORE_DIR/outputs/tweak_output/kc${kc}_mep${mep}.txt in the evaluation scripts


  • This implementation does not support probabilistic ensemble inference. Please use majority voting ensemble [Tarnavskyi+ 2022] instead.
wget https://github.com/MaksTarnavskyi/gector-large/raw/master/ensemble.py
python ensemble.py \
    --source_file <source> \
    --target_files <hyp1> <hyp2> ... \
    --output_file <out>