cd assets && sh && cd .. && make clean && make && open tilechange.nds
# watch
chokidar "source/**.cpp" -c "cd assets && sh && cd .. && make clean && make && open tilechange.nds"
chokidar "source/**.cpp" -c "make && open tilechange.nds"
# chokidar "source/**.cpp" "assets/**.png" "assets/" -c "cd assets && sh && cd .. && make clean && make && open microphone-sprite-size.nds" --initial true
# Newest one
chokidar "source/**.*" "assets/**.png" "graphics/**.png" "" -c "sh && make clean && make && open data-lek.nds" --initial true
# Transfer to DS and eject disc
cp microphone-sprite-size.nds /Volumes/DS/
diskutil unmount DS
# In one go
cp microphone-sprite-size.nds /Volumes/DS/ && diskutil unmount DS
chokidar "source/**.c" -c "make" --initial true
32 x 32 tiles in a 256px map
first rows, then columns
25 = separate squares
animations: in a column
cmd-shift-x to export spritesheet