
This server is intended for use behind your firewall to allow the flic hub to easily make requests to SmartThings which the server then translates to secure API requests to the SmartThings cloud.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Installing FlicSmartThingsInterfaceServer

1) Install Node (I recommend installing NVM-Node Version Manager)
$curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.8/install.sh | bash
$nvm install v8.10.0

2) Copy source (easiest is clone repo using git)
$cd /home/pi
$git clone https://github.com/gouldner/FlicSmartThingsInterfaceServer.git

3) build to get required node_modules
nvm use v8.10.0
npm install

4) setup config
$cp FST.config.sample FST.config
-modify port you want server to use
-enter SmartThings API token 
   Create HERE:https://account.smartthings.com/tokens
   Read more on API here:https://smartthings.developer.samsung.com/develop/api-ref/st-api.html
   or this thread:https://community.smartthings.com/t/example-using-new-smartthings-cloud-api/104304

5) Install as a service and start
sudo cp /home/pi/FlicSmartThingsInterfaceServer/FST.service /etc/systemd/system/FST.service
sudo systemctl enable FST.service
sudo systemctl start FST.service

This next step is optional and your milage may vary.  I had issues getting avahi working on my pi zero and stopped using it.  It worked at first but would stop working.....Also newer versions of raspbien already expose the {hostname}.local address so this may be unnecessary.  I just use a fixed IP now instead.
6) If you want to configure avahi to {hostname}.local address
sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon
sudo insserv avahi-daemon
cp ./avahi.multiple.service /etc/avahi/services/multiple.service
sudo /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon restart
NOTE: if you change port from 9090 you need to edit multiple.service with correct port

Visit http://{server_ip}:{configured_port}/help for how to use the interface

--Your server should run on a machine with a fixed IP or dns lookup
--You will want to install as a service or add to startup on machine to assure server is always running
--If you are not using raspberry pi, your user isn't pi, your home directory isn't /home/pi etc things will not work without your editing the service and start scripts
-- NVM is really slow on pi zero making login really slow, so to fix you can alter the required .bashrc
   includes for nvm with the --no-use option 
   this will case nvm to not load node on every login which is fine since I load it in the startup script