
DBMS system coded with Linux shell/bash scripting. It contains 6 main interconnected .sh scripts. Simulates a database management system.

Primary LanguageShell

Database Management System Using BASH Scripting


This is a project I made after finishing the Linux and the Bash command language courses in the ITI. It is a menu based simulation of Database Management Systems and how they work.

  • Each database is represented by a directory.
  • Each table is represented by two files table.idb and table.frm
    • table.idb: where the data is stored.
    • table.frm: where the metadata of the table is stored.
  • Different operations use the metadata to check for the validity of the input.
  • To query and alter the data I used AWK and SED to find and alter table fields, and output redirection to reprocess it or save the results to the original files.

How To Use:

$ ./DBMenu.sh


Menu Option |`Equal SQL Statement`

Databases Operations:

  • Show Databases |SHOW DATABASES
  • Use Database |USE 'DATABASE_NAME' | Tables Operations:

Tables Operations:

  • Show Tables |SHOW TABLES
  • Create New Table | CREATE TABLE table_name( id INT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255), salary INT )
  • Use Table | Individual Table Operatins
  • Delete Table |DROP TABLE table_name

Individual Table Operatins:

  • Display Table Content |SELECT * FROM table_name
  • Insert |INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2) VALUES (value1, value2)
  • Select
    • All |SELECT * FROM table_name
    • Column |SELECT column1 FROM table_name
    • By column |SELECT column1 FROM table_name WHERE column2 = value
  • Update
    • Column |UPDATE table_name SET column1 = value1
    • By column |UPDATE table_name SET column1 = value1 WHERE column2 = value
  • Delete
    • By column |DELETE FROM table_name WHERE column2 = value


Supported Datatypes:

  • String
  • Number

Key Points:

  • PK validation in all operations (create, select, update, delete)
  • Datatypes Validation
  • Naming Conventions
  • Existance: each database, table or a record is checked for existance before altering it
  • No Dublication: in databases, tables or primary key values


Zaur Gouliev