Pinned Repositories
Apply unsupervised machine learning techniques on product spending data collected for customers of a wholesale distributor in Lisbon, Portugal to identify customer segments hidden in the data
Contains project work for Udacity's Data Analyst Nanodegree from the September 2017 cohort
Use DBSCAN to cluster a couple of datasests. Examine how changing its parameters (epsilon and min_samples) changes the resulting cluster structure.
Faces recognition example using eigenfaces and SVMs
Apply supervised machine learning techniques and an analytical mind on data collected for the U.S. census to help CharityML (a fictitious charity organization) identify people most likely to donate to their cause
Generate a Gaussian dataset and attempt to cluster it and see if the clustering matches the original labels of the generated dataset.
Explore the similarities and differences in people's tastes in movies based on how they rate different movies. Can understanding these ratings contribute to a movie recommendation system for users? Let's dig into the data and see.
Use the Naive Bayes algorithm to create a model that can classify dataset ( SMS messages as spam or not spam
Red Wines quality exploration using R
Use Python to perform Data Wrangling (gathering, assessing, cleaning) of WeRateDogs Twitter account & archive, followed by storing, analyzing and visualizing the wrangled data.
gouravaich's Repositories
Explore the similarities and differences in people's tastes in movies based on how they rate different movies. Can understanding these ratings contribute to a movie recommendation system for users? Let's dig into the data and see.
Use the Naive Bayes algorithm to create a model that can classify dataset ( SMS messages as spam or not spam
Use Python to perform Data Wrangling (gathering, assessing, cleaning) of WeRateDogs Twitter account & archive, followed by storing, analyzing and visualizing the wrangled data.
Contains project work for Udacity's Data Analyst Nanodegree from the September 2017 cohort
Use DBSCAN to cluster a couple of datasests. Examine how changing its parameters (epsilon and min_samples) changes the resulting cluster structure.
Faces recognition example using eigenfaces and SVMs
Apply supervised machine learning techniques and an analytical mind on data collected for the U.S. census to help CharityML (a fictitious charity organization) identify people most likely to donate to their cause
Generate a Gaussian dataset and attempt to cluster it and see if the clustering matches the original labels of the generated dataset.
Use Independent Component Analysis to retrieve original signals from three observations each of which contains a different mix of the original signals.
Improving a model with Grid Search - Use Grid Search to find better parameters for a Decision Tree model
Apply unsupervised machine learning techniques on product spending data collected for customers of a wholesale distributor in Lisbon, Portugal to identify customer segments hidden in the data
Red Wines quality exploration using R
This repository contains Lab work for Udacity's Data Analyst Nanodegree from the September 2017 cohort
Use sklearn to conduct hierarchical clustering on the Iris dataset which contains 4 dimensions/attributes and 150 samples
Contains project work for Udacity's Machine Learning Basic Nanodegree from the May 2018 cohort
This repository contains Lab work for Udacity's Machine Learning Basic Nanodegree from the May 2018 cohort.
Analyse the Stroop effect using descriptive statistics to provide an intuition about the data, and inferential statistics to draw a conclusion based on the results.
Explore Titanic survival data by implementing a decision tree in sci-kit-learn
Creating explanatory data visualization from titanic data set that communicates a clear finding or that highlights relationships or patterns in a data set.