
Full Stack Application Engineering Poject

Primary LanguageJava

Basic Functionality Amazon Clone

Full Stack Application Engineering Project

The 3-step guide to building and running the code

  1. Install maven (see the steps below)
  2. Run git clone https://github.com/TroyStopera/prime-project.git or git pull origin master to get the latest version of the repo
  3. Run mvn to build the code and package it into a jar
  4. Run mvn exec:java to run the project
  5. Open http://localhost:8080/ in a web browser.

Installing maven

On Mac OSX with Homebrew

  1. brew install maven

On Mac OSX without Homebrew

  1. Download the Maven .zip archive here.
  2. Extract the archive. I'll assume that you extracted it to ~/maven.
  3. Add the following line to your .bash_profile: export PATH=${PATH}:~/maven/bin.

On Windows

  1. Download the Maven .zip archive here.
  2. Extract the archive. I'll assume that you extracted it to C:\maven.
  3. Add C:\maven\bin to your PATH environment variable:
  4. Click on the Start button > Right click on Computer > Click on Properties Screenshot of Step 1.
  5. Click on Advanced System Settings. In the popup window that appears, select the Advanced tab > Click on Environment Variables. Screenshot of Step 2.
  6. Find the variable named Path under System variables and click the Edit button. Screenshot of Step 3.
  7. Add ;C:\maven\bin to the end of the value, then click OK.

Directory structure

  • <project-root> - run mvn package exec:java to compile and run the webserver
    • src - code goes in here
      • main
        • java - Java code goes in here
        • resources - files needed by the webserver that aren't code go in here
          • www/index.html - the homepage
          • www/static - any files put in here are served from http://localhost:8080/static/. So file named jquery.js will be accessible from http://localhost:8080/static/jquery.js.
      • test/java - Java unit tests go in here
    • docs - documentation goes in here
    • target - maven puts compiled code and jars in here