
Objectives & Capabilities

  • Build a Docker Image from a given Dockerfile and an application (a simple ‘Hello world’ web app would be fine)
  • Start a few instances of the Docker Image in different containers
  • Validate that the container instances are running
  • Monitor the resource usage of each container (CPU, I/O, etc)
  • Consolidate the log output of all the container instances into one centralized log file.
  • (extra) Kill all running/stopped processes of a Docker Image

CLI tool demo:

For CLI to work, you need to install a couple of deps using yarn install in the root directory. Then just execute node cli.js to get started.

build test1 ./sample/Dockerfile ./sample
run test1 --instances 2 # Docker on Mac struggles for minutes if I put more than 5, so I put a limit. Also, instances is optional, default is 1.
validate test1
monitor test1
logs test1
(EXTRA) Kill
kill test1 # This will kill all instances

Bonus: GUI!

To get the GUI up, you need to install some extra deps:

  1. cd to gui directory
  2. Run yarn install
  3. Run yarn start to get it up an running (visit http://localhost:3000 if it doesn't open automatically)

The GUI is only able to show and kill containers, so make sure you start some first from the CLI!