
A simple deadman's switch for the Prometheus AlertManager

Primary LanguageGo

Deadman's Snitch.

A dead simple snitch for the Prometheus Alertmanager. An external service is needed with deadman's snitch functionality to make sure the alerting pipeline is working. I could not find anything simple to use, so I made one.

To install: go get github.com/gouthamve/deadman

To run: ./deadman -h

To build Docker Image : make docker

Add this rule to the Prometheus server to continuously generate alerts:

- alert: DeadManBoy
  expr: vector(1)
    severity: deadman
    description: This is a DeadMansSwitch meant to ensure that the entire Alerting
      pipeline is functional.

And in the Alertmanager cluster, add a route to send webhook notifications to our deployed deadman process.

- receiver: deadmans-switch
  group_wait: 0s
  group_interval: 0s
  repeat_interval: 15s
    severity: deadman

- name: deadmans-switch
  - url: http://deadman-ip:9095

Run an alertmanager co-located with the deadman process which will notify you for all the alerts it receives.