This repository contains the code for converting tflite model of Real-time Facial Surface Geometry from Monocular Video on Mobile GPUs and Blazeface to tensorflow and coreml.
- algalSan Francisco
- BilgeeFreebit
- bompoDresden, Germany
- chimerakangtaiwan
- cjangristMIT
- cyberpsychePWSC
- DavorJordacevicFinbet
- dolortaste
- fastcode3d
- flymrc@PixelShift.AI
- ghkaren@Opal-Camera
- heshuimu
- hoangminhanhtai
- hsyoung
- izgnaix
- keyum
- koji@Opentrons
- Mad-Thanos
- ManBehindTheMyth
- mauryasameerBank Of America
- moh-affanBadan Kepegawaian dan Pengembangan SDM Kabupaten Sumenep
- mvaldi
- mxhsnowy
- nicoinnGeekedge
- ninn55Shenzhen
- Norod
- oguzhanmeteozturkStroma Vision Inc.
- oiabtt
- PandinosaurusFrance
- PapirapiVISTASY
- PINTO0309CyberAgent, Inc.
- rhythm92Japan
- schukin@ObservantLabs
- sinianyutianChina P.R
- Takuro-ItoTokyo, Japan
- yangfawenKivisense