The Open Data Standards Directory is an iniative to provide an inventory of information regarding open data standards. This site is operated by the Center for Government Excellence at Johns Hopkins University, in partnership with Geothink, McGill University and members of the open data community.
- akuckartz
- aliciatb@KingCounty
- chrisrieth@mapbox
- Citizen2028Powered By Citizen
- d-wassermanAlta
- edentUK
- edx903@geointcn
- Feng-GaoShanghai,China
- happinessk
- jballesteroscCiudad de México
- JDukpa@Tampere
- JDziurlaj@HiltonRoscoe
- johanricher@multi-coop @codeforfr
- jqnatividaddatHere
- kardajqucit
- Marc-g-ZDerisk Venture Studio
- nichtichVerbundzentrale des GBV (VZG)
- NoznocThe Firelight Group
- philippkuengSIX Digital Exchange
- ppodgorsekLondon, UK
- ricalanis@nowports
- seralfserendipity expert
- siccovansas@openstate
- sushmaakojuUniversity of Arizona
- trevineju@okfn-brasil
- vykster@compilerla