
This repository shows how to get combined IMU, GPS, and Video data for ORB-SLAM2 verification testing

Primary LanguagePython


This repository shows how to get combined IMU, GPS, and Video data for ORB-SLAM2 and ORB-SLAM3 verification testing

Steps to run

Attach the IMU + GPS Module onto the vehicle as shown below:

Attach the camera to face forwards in such an angle as to grab maximum features

There are three main scripts to run:

Video Capture:

    conda activate tf_env1
    python capture_video.py (Windows)
    python capture_video_linux.py (Linux)

IMU Data:

  • Check for COM Ports (Windows), or /dev/tty ports on Linux.

  • Ensure correct code is flashed onto the micro-controller

  • If on Windows, Run anaconda as admin. On Linux, make the port executable by typing the following:

      sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyUSB0
      sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyUSB1
  • Enter the respective test number in utils.py

      python imu_read.py


  • Check for COM Ports (Windows), or /dev/tty ports on Linux.

  • If on Windows, Run anaconda as admin. On Linux, make the port executable by typing the following:

      sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyUSB0
      sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyUSB1
  • Ensure correct code is flashed onto the micro-controller

  • Enter the respective test number in utils.py

      python gps_read.py

Hardware Setup

The setup is shown below:

IMU and GPS Setup

IMU and GPS Setup

Camera Setup

Robot in a field, collecting the same data

Electrical Connections

Obtained Graphs

One of the obtained plot is shown below:


Serial Number Code Function Arduino Code Flashed
1 capture_video.py To capture the video -
2 capture_video_linux.py To capture video for Linux and straight away convert to image sequences -
3 imu_read.py To save the IMU Data in quaternion format IMU_QUATERNION
4 save_and_plot_imu.py To save & Plot the IMU Data in quaternion format IMU_QUATERNION
5 gps_read.py To read the GPS Data GPS_LONGITUDE_LATITUDE_TEST
6 global_gps2xy.py To convert the raw GPS data from Text file to XY Coordinates -
7 Interpolate_GPS.py To interpolate the GPS Data to match with IMU Data lines -
8 plot_gps_xy.py To plot the gps to get the map -
8 utils.py Contains utility variables -

The order to run these files on Windows would be 1->3-> 5->6->7->8.

The order to run these files on Linux would be 2-> 3-> 5->6->7->8.

The TUM format files can be run using the command

    evo_traj tum Test_3_TUM_FORMAT.txt --plot_mode xz --plot