
Quickly encrypt and decrypt files using AEAD AES-256-GCM, as well as an encryption key generator.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Nuget Nuget codecov

Kryptera is a .NET Core Tool to quickly encrypt and decrypt files using AEAD AES-256-GCM algorithm from CryptHash.NET, as well as an encryption key generator. Kryptera means "encrypt" in Swedish.


Package Stable Preview
Kryptera Nuget (with prereleases) feedz.io
Kryptera.Tools Nuget (with prereleases) feedz.io

The Kryptera library can be obtained by either locally cloning this git repository and building it or via NuGet/Feedz:

Install-Package Kryptera


dotnet add package Kryptera

The command-line tool for encrypting and decrypting files can be installed through the dotnet CLI:

dotnet install --global Kryptera.Tools

after which it is available for use in your shell as kryptera.


You can use the --help option to get detailed information about the commands.


  kryptera [options] [command]

  -v, --verbosity <Critical|Debug|Error|Information|None|Trace|Warning>  Set output verbosity
  --version                                                              Show version information
  -?, -h, --help                                                         Show help and usage information

  encrypt <source>  Encrypt a file or directory using AES-256-GCM
  decrypt <source>  Decrypt a file or directory using AES-256-GCM
  generate          Generate a new AES-256 key

Create an encryption key

You can create a new encryption key using the following command:

> kryptera generate

The output is sent directly to the console, and can be piped directly as input into other applications or scripts.

Encrypt a file or directory

You can encrypt a file or directory using the following command:

kryptera encrypt --key <KEY> <SOURCE>

The filenames for the encrypted files will have .aes appended to them to make them easy to distinguish from the original files.

Decrypt a file of directory

You can decrypt a file or directory using the following command:

kryptera decrypt --key <KEY> <SOURCE>

If the encrypted files have .aes extensions, then the filenames for the decrypted files with have this extension removed. If the encrypted file extensions are not .aes, then the filenames of the decrypted files with have -decrypted appended to the name right before the extension.
