
Explore the world one tab at a time (Firefox addon).

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


Codacy Badge

Explore the world one tab at a time. TabTrekker is a Firefox addon that replaces the new tab page.


  1. Install npm
  2. Install jpm npm install jpm --global
  3. Create a folder for Firefox development profiles mkdir -p $HOME/firefox-dev/profiles/dev
  4. Cd into the addon directory cd addon
  5. Start Firefox with a separate dev profile using: jpm run --profile=~/firefox-dev/profiles/dev (Note: replace ~ with the absolute path to your home directory)
  6. Install Extension Auto-Installer.
  7. (Optional) Install Locale Switcher.
  8. (Optional) Install any language packs that you want to test.
  9. Automatically build and install the addon when files change: jpm watchpost --post-url http://localhost:8888/
  10. Deploy Parse API using parse deploy TabTrekkerDev

Adding new images

  1. Add location to LOCATIONS.md
  2. Create a new imageset file in api/cloud/imagesets/
  3. Add the imageset to the list of imagesets api/cloud/imagesets.js
  4. Add your images to a folder in api/public/images/


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Firefox 39-56 are supported.